Sacred Heart Soul Healing

After 20 years doing sessions for a host of wonderful people, I retired from seeing healing clients at the end of 2017. I continued to offer monthly classes on angels, crystals, and other topics through my Meetup group until April 2023. In 2025, I’m returning to teaching Sacred Heart Soul Healing and angel classes as the world needs all the light it can access now.

Sacred Heart Soul Healing

SHSHlogoThrough connecting with Beloved Jeshua, the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Elohim of Light, I’ve been guided to birth this new healing modality. I’ve used it on clients since 2012 and have seen beautiful results. I’m grateful that Spirit has given me the means to share this wondrous energy and teach this gift of healing from the Light! ~ Diana

The Sacred Heart of Light within us holds the frequencies of the Divine Sacred Heart, which heals all, aligns all, transforms all, and provides all blessings. By connecting to the Divine Sacred Heart, all the energies of the Divine Rays of Light are available to us. In Sacred Heart Soul Healing, it’s possible to channel any frequency that is needed to provide the path to greater wholeness, harmony and grace. Connected Heart to Heart and Soul to Soul with the Eternal Light of Spirit, miracles can happen when someone is ready and willing to receive them.

Sacred Heart Soul Healing sessions allow access to any and all aspects of healing light available to us. These energies flow from the Heart of Creation to provide for all conditions exactly what is necessary and appropriate. During a session, some or all of the 12 Divine Rays of Light flow as needed by the person. The 12 Divine Rays are:

  1. Blue Ray of Divine Will, Power, Protection and Clarity
  2. Yellow Ray of Divine Illumination, Wisdom, Joy and the Divine Child of Light
  3. Pink Ray of Divine Love, Compassion, and Charity
  4. White Ray of Divine Purification
  5. Green Ray of Divine Healing, Knowledge, Abundance, Service and Concrete Science
  6. Ruby, Gold and Purple Ray of Divine Radiance, Transcendence, Divine Alchemy and Peace
  7. Violet Ray of Ascension, Mercy, Transmutation and Forgiveness
  8. Aqua Ray of Integration, Transformation, Integration and Clarity
  9. Magenta Ray of Transcendent Joy, Spiritual Expansion, and Harmony
  10. Golden Ray of Divine Grace, Divine Perception, Prosperity, and Endless Blessings
  11. Peach Ray of Nurturing Intelligence, Divine Creation, Cellular Regeneration and Balance
  12. Opalescent Ray of Transcendence, Creation’s Heart and Renewal

Possible results of energy work:

  • Deep relaxation and stress relief
  • Greater sense of balance or harmony
  • Pain relief or reduction of symptoms
  • Renewed vigor
  • Feeling lighter and more at peace
  • Reduced anxiety
  • Greater mental/emotional clarity
  • Increased sense of awareness
  • Enhanced ability to heal
  • Letting go of issues and stepping out of one’s story

Everything in the Universe—from the stars and planets to the human body, the plants, the atmosphere, every drop of rain or ray of sunlight, ALL that is—is comprised of energy. So it’s no surprise that energy can affect us in a multitude of ways and that beneficial energy can promote wholeness within all levels of our being!

As we alter the energy in and around us, remarkable changes can occur. When our energy becomes balanced and we are open to the flow of the Universal Life Force, we may more fully embrace joy, love, abundance, harmony in relationships, clarity and spiritual connection.

On the physical level, the body’s amazing innate ability to heal itself is amplified by energy therapies. Past traumas and the pain and blockages they have created can be cleared. Emotionally and mentally, energy can assist us in releasing stress, habits, behavior patterns, mindsets and attitudes that prevent us from achieving the success and inner harmony we seek. Spiritually, energy can assist us in connecting to our essence, raising our vibration and embracing our life path.

Sacred Heart Soul Healing works to clear triggers, traumas, and dramas from the energy field (level 2 SHSH techniques) and cleanse related soul wounds (level 3 SHSH techniques). When these release, it’s possible to cleanse karmic detritus in the body-mind-energy field and clear the karmic pathways related to the issues. Clearing these aspects also allows for greater ease in letting go of detrimental energies/entities.

Through my own healing process, I was guided to learn many modalities, to sow the seeds of Light in many forms, in order to bring wholeness to all levels—physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. In my work, I share the wisdom gained both from personal healing experiences and from many years walking the path of the healer, and act according to the guidance of the Divine to bring what is needed to each person who seeks my assistance. I recognize that you are your own healer; I simply facilitate the process by accessing the energy that flows through all.

Cost for a Sacred Heart Soul Healing session, which often includes some cleansing, is a *sliding scale of $77 to $133 for a one-hour, full-body session.

*A sliding scale allows for leeway regarding cost based on your financial situation. The minimum for a one-hour session is $77. Those who can afford more offer more.

I am available on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays by appointment at my office in Cary (directions) and twice a month in Raleigh, North Carolina. All sessions are by appointment only. Remote sessions are also available. Contact me by email by clicking here or call 919-264-0159 to schedule a session.

Payment by check is cash is typical. If you wish to use a credit card, please click on the Donate button below to connect to and enter the amount of the service you have chosen (plus $3 processing fee).

Sacred Heart Soul Healing Training
Sacred Heart Soul Healing Level 1:

I began offering the first level of Sacred Heart Soul Healing training in March 2014. The first class is a 10-hour workshop that includes ample opportunities to gain experience in the techniques. A certificate is provided at the end of class. Those who take level one will receive:

  • The Sacred Heart Soul Healing Attunement for ease in channeling SHSH Light
  • Information on the Chakra system
  • Training that includes all basics of aligning, receiving, accessing and using this energy for healing
  • Information on how to work with specific issues commonly experienced by self and clients
  • Instruction on how to use the methods for self-healing and for others
  • Hands-on training in the process

Participants in the training thus far have shared some wonderful experiences:

One participant wrote this the day after class: “Thank you so incredibly much for the new healing modality!!! I had such a profound experience yesterday. I didn’t feel super well when we began with the healings, but … I felt so much lighter afterwards!! And I felt so much clearing out of me while I was on the table! I went home floating in bliss and spent the evening enjoying it—singing, dancing, channeling, feeling my connection with my higher self and the light.”

Another participant wrote: “I am so appreciative of the teachings and healing work that we did over the weekend with you. The energy was so powerful. I slept solidly until 3am when I woke up like it was the normal beginning of the day….”

Another one wrote: “Diana…here is the new me!  I’ve emerged new, once again…. I am embracing this new heart centeredness and look forward to sharing this healing with ALL. Thank you for making the class fun, relaxed, enjoyable and for sharing your wealth of knowledge.”

Another person wrote:“I so enjoyed learning this new healing modality. It was exactly what I needed, and Diana made the class so fun. By the end of the class, everybody in the group had shifted sooo much, and all were so peaceful and happy. SHSH was a perfect complement to the Reiki and cleansing work I do. So many of us do so much for others, and I feel this modality helps us continue to give back to ourselves and balance our giving and receiving, which is so needed among healing practitioners. I highly recommend this class if you want more heart opening, peace and balance for yourself and for others. Thanks, Diana!” ~ Sherry Noah

To sign up for Sacred Heart Soul Healing, contact Diana by clicking here
to send an email
or call 919-264-0159.

Cost of the Level I Sacred Heart Soul Healing class is a sliding scale of $144 to $177. Payment for the class is typically done in person on the day of class with check or cash. If you need to use a credit card, you may use the Paypal button below. (Please choose the amount you wish to offer. Be aware that there is a $3 or $4 fee added to cover the cost of the Paypal charges).

Sliding Scale with paypal fee added

Sacred Heart Soul Healing Level 2:

DATES for next Level 2 class TBA:
Saturday and Sunday in March or April, 2016, 1 – 6 PM
Location: Bodywork Center of Cary, 1152 Executive Circle, Cary, NC
Facilitator: Diana Henderson
Cost: $177 to $222 (sliding scale, $177 minimum)
Prerequisites: SHSH, level one training

The second level of the SHSH training includes:

  • SHSH distance healing technique
  • Removing traumatic triggers from the energy field
  • Heightened access to the energies
  • Additional techniques for engaging the Divine Heart energies for clearing, healing and restoration

Much of the second level of Sacred Heart-Soul Healing focuses on the soul, the human energy field, and triggers, traumas and dramas held in the energy bodies from this life or carried over from other lifetimes. Clearing the energies from other lifetimes is an ideal prelude to karmic cleansing and definitely assists in healing karmic wounds. Soul wounds and traumatic imprints can be washed away (in part or in full as appropriate) with the level 2 techniques. This class also offers the technique for sending SHSH remotely with great effectiveness.

Through connecting with Beloved Jeshua, the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Elohim of Light, I’ve been guided to birth this new healing modality. I’ve used it on clients for over a year and have seen beautiful results. I’m grateful to be teaching this gift of healing from the Light!

The Sacred Heart of Light within us holds the frequencies of the Divine Sacred Heart, which heals all, aligns all, transforms all, and provides all blessings. In this class, you will learn to connect to the Universal Divine Heart Light and to the Earth’s Sacred Heart through your own heart and soul in order to channel energy for profound healing.

All the energies of the Divine Rays of Light are available through the channels of Light we are given both in the Sacred Heart Space and in our Beloved I Am Presence. When we access these energies using the methodologies of Sacred Heart-Soul Healing, we can channel any frequency that is needed to provide the path to greater wholeness, harmony and grace. Connected Heart to Heart and Soul to Soul with the Eternal Light of Spirit, miracles can happen.

I invite you to learn more by taking this class. We will engage the energies both for personal healing and to help others. Practitioners of other healing arts modalities are welcome!

If you need to use a credit card, please use the PayPal “Donate” button below.  The minimum donation for this class using this method would be $182 ($177 plus $5 PayPal fee).

Sacred Heart Soul Healing Level 3: The Golden Path of Mastery

DATES TBA: Saturday and Sunday in Fall or Winter 2016, 12:30 – 7:30 PM
Location: Bodywork Center of Cary
Facilitator: Diana Henderson
Cost: $999
Prerequisites: SHSH, levels one and two training

The third level of the Sacred Heart Soul Healing guides us on the journey toward becoming Ascended Masters of Light. Level three training includes:

  • SHSH master attunement
  • Merging with the Higher Self to work with Divine Masters of Light
  • Divine Alchemy* for deep cleansing/healing
  • Heightened access to the energies
  • Training in clearing and healing soul wounds and karmic detritus from body, mind, spirit
  • Methods to clear and re-write old programs that are no longer useful (from this and other lifetimes)
  • Clearing debris between the Divine Self and the human mind and reconnecting to the Sacred Path
  • Additional techniques for engaging the Divine Heart energies for clearing, healing and restoration
  • Teacher training: How to Attune and Teach levels 1 and 2 SHSH
  • SHSH 3 Participants will receive Diana’s meditation CD to be used with attunements.

* Divine Alchemy is quite different from what most people might consider alchemy. Originally an alchemist was someone who sought to turn base metals into gold. We are seeking to transform all that is unenlightened into the Light of Divinity, the golden grace of eternal blessings that lives in the Heart of the Cosmic Christ.

The third and final level of Sacred Heart-Soul Healing brings the body-mind-soul-spirit cleansing/healing techniques to a higher level and provides teacher training as well.

Master Jeshua says that in most cases it takes a minimum of 999 days (2.74 years) to become a full-fledged master of Sacred Heart Soul Healing. Working with the energies on a regular basis can hasten the process. If true dedication is applied, it is possible to attain mastery (at its initial levels) in 333 days. However, it is helpful to realize that there are many levels of mastery on this golden path, and the final one is that of becoming an Ascended Master of Light in human form.

DianaH122015Every day I experience the profound privilege and joy of living my purpose, but it wasn’t always so. The Universe had to give me a serious reminder! My journey as a healer began in 1996 born out of my own need for healing and relief from chronic pain after a debilitating car accident. Little did I know what an amazing path was in store from that moment forward! After Reiki training in 1997, I embraced my true calling and began a practice. I became a Reiki Master in 1998 and quickly found that teaching Reiki classes along with working with clients brought me “home” to the path of my soul!

I continued to learn new holistic tools and was certified in DNA Activation, a process for self-healing and mastery, in 1999. Certification in Therapeutic Breathwork, a breathing technique that allows clients in session to “re-take” their first breath to release the painful impressions imprinted at birth, followed in 2000. During many years of study and practice, I’ve also taken courses in Esoteric Healing, Advanced Energy, Quantum Touch, Tibetan Chakra Toning, Muscle Testing, Spirituality, Dreams, Medicine Wheel and Astrology among many others on this path of remembering what my spirit always knew.

Most recently I was guided to “birth” this wonderful new healing modality, Sacred Heart Soul Healing (SHSH). After using the techniques on clients over the course of two years (2012-2014), I began teaching the first level class. Through sessions as well as training others, I continue to learn more and the process grows and shifts with the unfolding blessings of Spirit. I am ever grateful to Beloved Jeshua and the Ascended Masters and Archangels of Light for giving me the guidance and understanding of how to do and present this modality.

Much of my work as a healer/teacher/messenger focuses on assisting others in opening to their gifts, embracing wholeness and enhancing their spiritual connection. In addition to practicing alternative healing modalities, I teach classes in all levels of Reiki, Angels and Archangels, Energetic Cleansing, Intuition, Crystals, Chakra Balancing, Meditation, DNA Activation and more.

Through the years, I’ve come to realize that nothing on my path was wasted time. My work as a former graphic designer, writer and high school English teacher contributes to the path I walk now as teacher, ascension artist, spiritual counselor and healing facilitator. I am so grateful to have aligned with my soul purpose and found the work that brings me bliss!  One of the most fulfilling aspects of my work comes from assisting others in doing the same.

It is my joy to refer you for sessions to one of my former students if you want a session. Her name is Belén Pérez Rivera and she’s a remarkable healing arts practitioner who does Reiki, Sacred Heart Soul Healing, Clarity Breathwork, energy clearing/cleansing, massage therapy and more. (The only one of the modalities I shared that she doesn’t offer is DNA Activation.) Click here to contact Belén via email. I recommend her highly and have had many fabulous sessions with her.