The Wounded Healer

Lately I’ve been thinking about the Chiron path we all walk. In Greek mythology, Chiron was a great centaur whose wisdom, gift of prophecy, and abilities as a healer and teacher were renowned. Because he was the son of the Titan Cronus and an ocean nymph, he couldn’t die. He was wounded by an arrow poisoned with the Hydra’s blood, leaving him forever the wounded healer who could heal anyone except himself. He ended up giving away his immortality, saving Prometheus in the process, and he became the constellation Centaurus.

I don’t recall ever meeting a healing practitioner who wasn’t wounded in some way along their path. The place where we hold our wounds reveals important information to us. Although the planetoid Chiron’s placement in our birth charts can certainly teach us a great deal, I’m not speaking of astrology here.

I’ve had many wounds in my life and held them both physically and psychologically/emotionally in certain chakras. For example, feelings of uncertainty and lack of safety during childhood anchored in my root and led me down a path where I had to discover ways to ground myself, to find my center, to regain my sense of security. A severe wound that happened in early adolescence focused on my sacral chakra, and part of my journey to wholeness lay in finding a way to tangibly create and manifest in the world.

We are not Chiron. We don’t have to live our wounds forever. We could walk through life forever living the wound, of course, and sometimes we feel as if we have no choice. But we also can seek to find the wisdom, the teachings, the often oh-so-hidden gift of our wounds.

Wherever we have been hurt, therein lies our greatest strength. It may be covered by the blocked energies we placed over the wound just to survive, and I can’t say uncovering it is easy. It requires fortitude, tenacity, and courage. We have to prove to the small self that we’re not going to give up on the task.

The higher self and the beloved angels of Light definitely help us in the process. Archangel Michael gave me so much aid with the issue of feeling safe while I uncovered, cleared, and healed some of my oldest wounds, those that ran so deep I couldn’t always acknowledge them. He’s a great friend to have when seeking to find hidden truth. I’ll always be grateful to Archangel Michael and my higher self for allowing me to feel secure while I dug up the deeper reasons behind my pain.

But that was my journey. Yours may be completely different. The important thing to remember is that (1) you are never alone on your healing journey, and (2) your wound reveals the path to empowerment, to your greatest healing gift, the one only you can share. Pain may seem to hold no purpose, but it always points the way to our strength should we choose to take the path toward finding it.

I don’t claim to have found my way to all my hidden truths or to have uncovered all the healing power beyond my wounds. After 22 years on a conscious healing path, I realize how far I have yet to go. But many gifts have been discovered as I follow the wounds to the wisdom that lies within.

Sometimes, of course, we heal miraculously and instantly. I’ve both experienced and seen those moments too and always feel thankful for them. But if and when we are led to walk the path of the wounded healer, we may find the deepest of miracles, the ones that show us how to help others.

Thank you, dear souls, for the willingness to walk your own path no matter where it leads you. Thank you for showing the grace it takes to navigate the shifting seas of life. Thank you for shining light and touching others with your unique and beautiful soul. It means the world, you know.