Crystal Healing


After 20 years doing sessions for a host of wonderful people, I retired from seeing clients at the end of 2017. I continue to offer monthly classes on angels, crystals, and other topics through my Meetup group, A Gathering of Angels, to help others open to their own gifts and align with healing in a number of ways.

All crystals and gemstones amplify energy, and each has a unique frequency to contribute toward the goal of greater wholeness, harmony, and enlightenment. Just as every color in the spectrum of the Divine Rays of Light has its healing property, every stone has the capacity to enhance the healing process. There are stones that assist in overall healing, such as many of the green stones (green calcite, aventurine, jade, chrysoprase, emerald, green diopside, seraphinite, green tourmaline, etc.), while other stones can help us tackle specific issues. Gaspeite, for example, offers its energy to help the gall bladder and liver. Carnelian wants to help us with issues related to the female reproductive system. Larimar offers a frequency that may assist in restoring balance to the immune system.

Crystal and gemstone spreads on the body are always contingent upon each client’s needs and ability to handle the crystal energy, which can be exceedingly powerful. No matter which modalities are included in a session, the crystals act as amazing amplifiers that contribute to the energetic resonance and raise the vibrations of those who work with them.

Energetic Therapy sessions often include multiple modalities, and at times Spirit guides me to use crystals and healing stones for balancing chakras, amplifying life force energy, grounding clients or assisting in opening to healing in particular parts of the body or being.

Crystals and gemstones can be employed for a wide range of purposes—protection, cleansing/clarity, enhancing the healing process, amplifying intuition, increased energy, creativity, tranforming one’s life, grounding, and much more. If you would like a session that focuses on use of crystals for any of these purposes, please let me know in advance. I have a large array of stones that I can bring to a session based on specific needs.

Much of my work is deeply connected to the Angelic Realm, and my knowledge about stones comes primarily from the Devas of the stones themselves. If you want to make that connection more fully in your life, here are some great stones to assist in that regard.

Stones to Help Connect with the Angelic Realm:

  • Angelite
  • Angel Aura
  • Aqua Aura
  • Celestite
  • Elestial crystals (means “crystal of the angels)
  • Larimar
  • Quartz crystals
  • Selenite

I am available regularly by appointment at the Bodywork Center of Cary (directions) and monthly in Raleigh. I sometimes holds sessions in Greensboro as well. All sessions are by appointment only. Contact me by email by clicking here or call 919-264-0159 to schedule a session.


Perhaps my Celtic and Cherokee ancestry contributes to my enchantment with crystals; certainly my affinity with the healing stones goes back to my early life when I loved to explore and “commune” with nature. As a little girl growing up in a rural setting, I collected stones, hugged them, delighted in their magic and held their wisdom in my heart. Nothing much has changed in that regard!

Although I have read many books on the subject of crystals and gemstones, the majority of my education in working with these jewels of nature has come from the Nature Spirits themselves along with the guidance of Spirit. I bring to the crystal healing work the knowledge gained during my life-long love affair with stones coupled with my experience as an energetic healing practitioner in addition to the wisdom gleaned from a number of sources.

I’ve taught classes in Crystals and Healing Stones since the late 1990s and continue to learn new ways our mineral friends can assist us in our journey. The crystals and healing stones have assisted me over the years in meditation, intuitive awareness, journeying and visioning, amplifying energy and intention for manifesting or healing, creative flow, communication, harmony, cleansing and a multitude of other areas. I share some of the insight gained from these experiences in my workshop and make use of it in sessions as guided.