The Wounded Healer

Lately I’ve been thinking about the Chiron path we all walk. In Greek mythology, Chiron was a great centaur whose wisdom, gift of prophecy, and abilities as a healer and teacher were renowned. Because he was the son of the Titan Cronus and an ocean nymph, he couldn’t die. He was wounded by an arrow poisoned with the Hydra’s blood, leaving him forever the wounded healer who could heal anyone except himself. He ended up giving away his immortality, saving Prometheus in the process, and he became the constellation Centaurus.

I don’t recall ever meeting a healing practitioner who wasn’t wounded in some way along their path. The place where we hold our wounds reveals important information to us. Although the planetoid Chiron’s placement in our birth charts can certainly teach us a great deal, I’m not speaking of astrology here.

I’ve had many wounds in my life and held them both physically and psychologically/emotionally in certain chakras. For example, feelings of uncertainty and lack of safety during childhood anchored in my root and led me down a path where I had to discover ways to ground myself, to find my center, to regain my sense of security. A severe wound that happened in early adolescence focused on my sacral chakra, and part of my journey to wholeness lay in finding a way to tangibly create and manifest in the world.

We are not Chiron. We don’t have to live our wounds forever. We could walk through life forever living the wound, of course, and sometimes we feel as if we have no choice. But we also can seek to find the wisdom, the teachings, the often oh-so-hidden gift of our wounds.

Wherever we have been hurt, therein lies our greatest strength. It may be covered by the blocked energies we placed over the wound just to survive, and I can’t say uncovering it is easy. It requires fortitude, tenacity, and courage. We have to prove to the small self that we’re not going to give up on the task.

The higher self and the beloved angels of Light definitely help us in the process. Archangel Michael gave me so much aid with the issue of feeling safe while I uncovered, cleared, and healed some of my oldest wounds, those that ran so deep I couldn’t always acknowledge them. He’s a great friend to have when seeking to find hidden truth. I’ll always be grateful to Archangel Michael and my higher self for allowing me to feel secure while I dug up the deeper reasons behind my pain.

But that was my journey. Yours may be completely different. The important thing to remember is that (1) you are never alone on your healing journey, and (2) your wound reveals the path to empowerment, to your greatest healing gift, the one only you can share. Pain may seem to hold no purpose, but it always points the way to our strength should we choose to take the path toward finding it.

I don’t claim to have found my way to all my hidden truths or to have uncovered all the healing power beyond my wounds. After 22 years on a conscious healing path, I realize how far I have yet to go. But many gifts have been discovered as I follow the wounds to the wisdom that lies within.

Sometimes, of course, we heal miraculously and instantly. I’ve both experienced and seen those moments too and always feel thankful for them. But if and when we are led to walk the path of the wounded healer, we may find the deepest of miracles, the ones that show us how to help others.

Thank you, dear souls, for the willingness to walk your own path no matter where it leads you. Thank you for showing the grace it takes to navigate the shifting seas of life. Thank you for shining light and touching others with your unique and beautiful soul. It means the world, you know.

Ultimate Happy to See You

I’ve had animal companions all my life, and it has always brought a deeper sense of joy into my world. After the loss of my beloved collie at the age of 10, I never wanted to make that leap and get a dog again. I’ve had wonderful cats and precious parrots but no dog.

A little over a year ago, we welcomed a mix breed rescue into our lives, and our world hasn’t been the same. What a great gift!

The thing about dogs is that they love you unconditionally and to the maximum level allowed anywhere short of Heaven. Of course, other animals can extend that same degree of love, but few are so demonstrative of it. Our dog teaches us daily how to love. She never holds back. She shares without reservation under all sorts of conditions.

One of the most striking things about her love is the complete happiness she reveals each time she greets us anew. Whether we’ve been gone to the post office for 10 minutes or have been out for much of the day, the same amount of love is lavished on us, and the joy she shows is undeniable and immense. She jumps into our arms (whether we’re ready or not) and offers as many kisses and hugs as we will tolerate.

When I mentioned this to someone, the person suggested it might be because dogs live so much shorter a life span than we humans, and every minute seems like forever to them as a result. I expect there is some truth to this. But what I know for sure is that she simply wants to be in our presence, constantly streaming her love to us. That love is almost more than she seems able to contain, and it must be expressed and emitted.

What if we loved like that? What if we greeted each other with so much joy from our hearts at meeting our kindred? What if we could hardly contain the love we held and felt we might burst if we didn’t share it?

What a way to live that would be. If we felt and shared half as much love and joy as a dog, we could make the world a place of wonder and grace for everyone and everything. So I decided I’m going to try that. Tonight when my husband comes home from his conference, I’m going to greet him as if he were the most important person in my life. I’m going to kiss him and hug him and tell him I love him. I’d love to make him feel as welcomed home as our pup does.

Will I succeed? Well, I’m not as unconditionally loving as our dog, but I do have a great deal of love in my heart, so why not let it flow?

Will you join me in working toward sending joy and love to those dear to you? I suspect it will change our lives and the lives of those we touch, and maybe, just maybe, it will ripple out into the world in an ongoing flood of love enough to fill the planet.

Here’s to living as lovingly as a dog and to the ultimate happy to see you!

Empath to the Max

I continue to learn from our dog. After over five decades without a canine companion, I’m remembering how marvelous they are in so many ways. What I see above all is their ability as empaths. They don’t shy away from being empathic. They lean into it. They give everything without a thought for holding back.

Our precious Honey cherishes us. It’s that simple. She follows me around the house seeking always to be of assistance. She’s my little four-legged spirit guide who happens to have a body. And she reminds me to Love with a capital L, that love is the most important thing in all the world, that giving love is itself a reward (and may lead to treats).

So many of us born as empaths look at our abilities as a sort of affliction. I’ve heard some friends call it a curse. But here’s the truth: If we were empaths in the same way animals are, we might acknowledge this ability as a great gift. You see, they recognize and feel our needs, feelings, and issues and simply love us through them. Dogs don’t pity us, which would attach said issue to them. Instead, they exude love and hold space for us to move through whatever the problem is. Yes, they want to help. But their innate means of doing so is always the same across the board no matter the challenge we face: love, love, love, love, love (and, of course, lick, lick, lick, lick, lick).

As humans, feeling someone else’s distress may lead us to embody that energy because we either (1) mistakenly identify it as our own or (2) we pity the person and allow the energy to attach to us. So far as I can discern, dogs don’t do this. They sense our distress and, rather than taking it on, emit tons of love in response, which we can choose to either receive or block given our feelings in the moment. When we receive that love a dog so freely offers, it acts like a salve to soothe the senses. While it may not solve our problems, that love can ease our feelings, not because the dog ingested them the way so many empaths do but because we allowed the love to nurture us and help us to heal.

This is a huge lesson for someone like me. I spent much of my life pitying those who were feeling sad. Pitying them only reinforces those feelings. I know this from being on the receiving end of that situation. But pouring out love costs absolutely nothing and can only serve to aid. It never depletes energy as pity can do on both sides of the equation (for the pitied and the pitier). Love always offers the hope, the prayer, the intention, and the energy for the person to rise above self-pity or sorrow.

I also spent a large portion of my life ingesting people’s hurts by claiming them as my own. I’m grateful to our dog for showing me a better way. She innately understands the feelings of others do not belong to her. She can sense them without embracing them. She recognizes from whence they come because dogs are extremely aware energetically. But empaths are as well if we focus on that inner awareness rather than hiding from it. Leaning into our empathy means being aware of what we’re sensing, pinpointing its source, and recognizing that we can honor the gift of being aware and still avoid imbibing and claiming the feelings ourselves. We do that by loving—just loving that person (the source of those emotions) so completely that nothing else can infiltrate our hearts or minds.

So the endpoint of the lesson, which I’m still getting, is to love unconditionally. Doing that allows me to feel without holding any of the energy of the other person. We can give thanks for the knowing and then let go of the emotions that belong to others by tapping into the infinite stream of Divine love and letting so much of it fill us and flow through us that it washes away all traces of anything less than itself.

I believe dogs (and many other animals) maintain this as part of their natural empathic gift. They would likely never consider doing anything else. Someday I hope to be as true an empath as our precious dog, living daily in that stream of unconditional love.

Things I Learned from My Dog

For the first time since childhood, I welcomed a wonderful dog into my life. Our precious collie Laddie died after being run over by a car when I was 10. When I saw the face of this beautiful dog who now shares our lives, I knew I had to save her. She was in a kill shelter just one day away from being put to sleep.

Training our dog has become a part of our lives each day, and, truth be told, it’s really more about changing ourselves. After three weeks of intensive training with a professional (Jason, a true “dog whisperer,” of Sgt. Rosco’s Boot Camp), our wonderful dog needed us to follow through with the approach she knew and embraced.

Although I knew a great deal about energy already, seeing how important it is to dog training and what a visible impact it makes is rather amazing to me. With dogs, it really is all about the energy and intention! Fellow Reiki practitioners, I know you understand what I mean. Here are a few of the things I’ve noticed in the process of dog training that relate to energy.

  1. Own the space around you. I’ve taught people about setting energetic boundaries and creating a field of protection for years, but oddly enough I never imagined I would be doing that with a dog. In order for our dog to feel safe in a strange environment or in the presence of unknown dogs or people, I have to create a safe space around us. I have to walk with calm confidence and a demeanor that relays that (shoulders down, chest up, grounded in stance). I also know well that dogs are able to pick up our telepathic images as well as our emotions, so I picture an orb of protective energy extending around us whenever we come into a challenging situation or energy. More than this, though, I have to claim the space. I must walk like I own whatever place I happen to be in, because in truth we have to hold our energy field—that space around us—as our own. In doing so, others are unable to encroach on our energy. This is not about being angry, territorial, or aggressive. It’s about being responsible for our own energetic welfare and realizing that we must maintain our sacred boundaries of personhood (and dog-hood). A pack leader is loving but always capable of creating and maintaining personal space.
  2. It’s not about shouting. The energy emanating from our beings does not have to be blaring in order to lead. There is a major difference between confidence and combativeness, between assertiveness and aggression. Shouting at a dog is entirely ineffective. We’re most likely to get barking in response. Dogs and people respond to self-assured, harmonious energy.
  3. Stay focused in the moment. We all know the mind can wander. But this is one of the most important things in the dog training process (and in life). If I take my attention away from the current environment, I am relinquishing my pack leader status, and the dog has to take the reins. When I pay attention and am focused where I am, we have a successful walk. In life, if we’re too busy giving our energy to the past or pondering the future, we give up the great gift of conscious co-creation with the Divine.
  4. Checking in is important. In order to successfully train a dog, we have to become self-aware. Are our energies remaining constant? Where are our thoughts and emotions? If I’m walking our dog and I start projecting my thoughts into the future—especially worrying about something—my entire demeanor changes. I start to slouch or raise my shoulders. The moment that happens, our dog starts pulling on her leash. She knows almost instantly when I’m not being pack leader and she quickly assumes the role. So I have to continue to check in on my inner self and maintain the composure I seek to create for her.
  5. Setting the stage allows for positive outcomes. Our trainer taught us that the success of our dog walk depends on our readiness before we step out the door. We don’t want to begin the walk in a state of overexcitement. We center ourselves, get grounded, make sure we’re feeling harmonious and confident; then we have our dog sit, make eye contact, and we set our intentions for a happy walk and project that to her. It’s interesting how much like preparing for a client session dog walking can be! What if we all did this before we went out into the world or began the workday? Getting centered and grounded, establishing our intentions, and checking in on our thoughts and emotions can go a long way toward having a successful workday.

No doubt I will continue to learn more about dog training as time passes and incorporate the wisdom of the dog world into my daily life. For now, I hope you enjoy these thoughts and benefit from them.

One last note to self: Barking never solves a problem.

What Is Your Footprint?

At this time as we walk through the world, it’s helpful to ask ourselves, “What footprint am I leaving behind?” Everywhere we go our energy lingers leaving trails and “footprints” along the path. All that we do becomes a part of the signature of energy we imprint upon our lives and on the places we travel and the environments we frequent. So it is vital to live in conscious awareness of what flows from (and into) our psyches.

We’ve all walked into places where the energy is icky. I remember the first (and last) time I went into the North Carolina State Capitol. I honestly felt suffocated by thick, low-frequency energy there. I was inundated with the ghosts of anger, rancor, and hostility from countless arguments and vehement emotions emitted over more than 180 years. I found it difficult to linger in such a place.

What we give off as we move through the world affects others, and it holds us in an energy field that tends to perpetuate more of the same emotion we give out most often. Much like Pig-Pen in the Peanuts comics, we can walk around with grimy fields, tracking muck through the world, or we can choose to clean our energies and walk with love, leaving behind a trail of light and peace wherever we go.

We all know what it feels like to be around someone who generally and genuinely shares love with others. We enjoy that kind of energy. We can’t wait to see that person and always find comfort in her or his presence. On the contrary, when we encounter someone whose energy feels like a dark cloud entering the room, we may find it difficult not to flee.

I have issued my fair share of yuck through the decades and still on occasion allow myself to fall into the trap of perpetuating those dense, low-frequency energies. But I’m truly thankful for the constant assistance from the Divine in the form of cleansing that all of us can do for ourselves daily if we choose. I use that wonderful violet flame every day without fail. These days I wouldn’t want to be without this powerful tool. And, believe me, it does make a difference, especially when we use it often and with strong intention and visualization.

To help clear our personal environments of problematic energy patterns, I highly recommend Joey Korn’s book on Dowsing: A Path to Enlightenment. The simple prayers and techniques allow us to rebalance the detrimental energy vortices in our homes, offices, etc.

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles’ The Violet Flame: God’s Gift to Humanity is one of many books I recommend on this wonderful blessing that helps us shift and align our energies.

At the very least, we can become more aware, and, when we begin to allow those unwelcome energies to either affect us from without or be transmitted from within, we can call on the violet fire to free us and bring that energy through every particle of our beings.

Energetically checking in 4-6 times per day to discern what energies we are perpetuating can assist us in living more consciously. Are we encircling ourselves in love or fueling discord in the atmosphere and within ourselves? By becoming more aware, we can begin to give ourselves the blessing of harmony as we offer the same to the world.

My Real Job

9thRayLionessCpyRtProfessionally, I wear many hats. I’m a Reiki master teacher, Sacred Heart Soul Healing founder, healing arts practitioner, ascension artist, writer, editor, speaker, organizer of A Gathering of Angels Meetup and a few other things, but in truth I have only one real job: to LOVE without condition and honor every being with whom I share this journey.

As a sensitive or empath who feels the emotions of others (not quite as fully as Deanna Troi on Star Trek Next Generation but more than enough to be sure), I recognize that the thing that is most needed for the purpose of healing is unconditional LOVE. The energy modalities I use in my work flow with an endless fountain of that vibration and quality, which is why I joyfully embrace daily self-work with Reiki and Sacred Heart Soul Healing and also why I love teaching these techniques to others so that they can imbibe the gracious gift of infinite LOVE.

I was sent to this world to LOVE without end every single life. This doesn’t mean that I don’t discern that some are on a completely different wavelength from me, but my job is to see the Light within each soul no matter how much shadow appears on the surface. That may not be easy (especially in this election year), but it is the most important thing I can do in every moment. LOVE!!

Love and judgment cannot exist in the same space at the same time; so I realize that when I fall into judgment of anyone (and, yes, that means people in the public eye and the political arena), I have taken myself out of the frequency of LOVE, out of the vibration where I am meant to live.

When we judge another person, we both align ourselves energetically with the thing we are judging and more firmly entrench that person in the energy that prompted such a judgment. Since my job is to LOVE everyone, judgment is off my to-do list from now until forever. I can and do discern what is right for me, and I most assuredly use that discernment to live a better life and to envision and birth a more radiant reality. But I want EVERYONE to rise to a higher state of consciousness; so I have to avoid labeling anyone in a way that builds on the shadow reality a person is already choosing.

When someone is spouting hate, I recognize that he or she likely lives in a state that is far outside the realm of grace. That person does not know LOVE. In most cases, people were taught to hate and molded by others and by circumstance to become someone who loathes rather than loves.

An empath must avoid looking in the direction of such a person for very long, because hate and fear tend to breed more of the same. However, holding love for those who have been caught in the vibration of hatred is vital if we expect those individuals ever to be able to move beyond that hate frequency. I find it necessary to remove myself quickly from such intense, fear-based energies while setting an intention of shifting ever more completely into LOVE—even for those who have no conception of what that beautiful, enlightened emotion is.

I have seen unconditional love in the public eye only a few times in my life. Once on an Oprah show, a woman came on to discuss how she had forgiven the man who murdered her daughter. Her ability to forgive and even extend love to this man was truly LOVE beyond the level of most human conception. Yet, as an intuitive, I felt and accepted the truth of her emotion.

I knew that this was possible, because I had been able to forgive deeply the murderers of my first love, my best friend and another dear friend. Of course, for me this took decades to achieve while for the mother who appeared on Oprah it had been only a few years. Seeing and hearing her story helped me to find love in my heart enough to extend to those who had taken the lives of my two young and cherished teenaged friends and my 21-year-old first love. In doing so, I freed myself from the pain of that time in my life when I lost so many who were close to me, and I opened the door for more and more LOVE to flow into my life. Letting go of those deep wounds that lived in my heart for so long made room for the amount of LOVE required to change the world—at least my little corner of it.

So, friends, that’s my real job and the most important one of this or any life. Living LOVE is everything. It feeds the soul, heals the psyche and blesses every aspect of life with its rich, glorious pure LIGHT, and for this I am ever grateful.

Sacred Heart Soul Healing

SHSHlogoI often am asked the question, “What is Sacred Heart Soul Healing?” I’m honestly not sure how to encapsulate this amazing and beautiful path into a few words. Yes, I can say that it’s an energy healing modality that comes from the Heart of Creation. I can add that it was the healing path of Beloved Master Jeshua (Jesus, the Christ) and that it was He who taught this path to me. Of course, that brings up the fact that I regularly converse with Divine Beings of Light (Angels, Ascended Masters, etc.), and I realize this is something quite out of the ordinary to a lot of people.

I have communicated through clairaudience (clear hearing) with the unseen realms all my life—except for those years when I purposely shut down this gift to function like a “normal” human.  As a child I was told by my beloved mother that, yes, I had “the gift” like my grandmother, but that it was best to keep it hidden from others. So that is what I did—until I came to the place in my journey when I could no longer ignore the calling of my spirit.

So, you see, talking about this modality brings up the source of my training, and that in and of itself may sound a bit strange to some folks. Nonetheless, my teachers of Sacred Heart Soul Healing (SHSH) are the Ascended Masters of Light, chiefly Jeshua, the Great Teacher of the Path of Eternal Peace whom I have known and loved all my days, and Ascended Master Saint Germain, who shines the light of the Violet Ray to assist humanity in freeing ourselves from discord and rising into higher consciousness. My communication with the Archangels has brought understanding to this path as well, but the Ascended Masters are its primary teachers.

The Ascended Masters themselves are indeed true masters of Sacred Heart Soul Healing. They describe Sacred Heart Soul Healing as a path of awakening, a path of healing, a path of enlightenment and ascension!

I suppose the easiest way to explain the modality is to describe each of the levels of its training; so here goes… in a lot more than a few words!

Level I Sacred Heart Soul Healing is appropriate for assisting in the awakening process. It’s ideal for those who seek a closer connection to Spirit, a more harmonious life, and a means for accessing soft healing energy that soothes and harmonizes. Level one training provides an energy that is gentle enough so that even a child could use it with joy and ease. The first degree of this training is a path of peace, and it provides such serene access to the light that (if they choose) people easily can shift to greater alignment and harmony.

Those who are already living a great deal of the time in fifth-dimensional consciousness will find that daily self-practice using SHSH I energy makes that even easier. It can work in conjunction with virtually any other modality to offer additional enlightenment to any path. Typically SHSH I is a hands-on modality that focuses on the chakras and is quite helpful at balancing them and bringing the aspects of our psyches that each chakra represents into a more ideal and stable state.

Level II Sacred Heart Soul Healing offers a big advancement on the path of enlightenment. This is where the miracles begin to happen. While level I is so gentle and easy it could be taught to a child, level II work is much more advanced and provides access to very high frequencies. The first time I taught SHSH II one of my students said of the energy, “Diana, this is way more than twice what the first level is. Isn’t SHSH 2 at least 10 times as powerful as level one?” My answer was, “Yes, it is!”

Level II Sacred Heart Soul Healing really sets us earnestly on the path of healing and ascension. At level two, we work a great deal in the energy field to clear triggers and patterns of discord and trauma, to clear karmic energies and heal karmic wounds, and remove other blockages so that—if the person chooses—he or she can truly leave behind the old framework that no longer serves the ascending soul as we move into this great shift into Divine reality.

Finally, Sacred Heart Soul Healing Level III is the path that invites us to rise into Ascended Master Consciousness, to live the miracles and allow them to become the norm! Does this spontaneously happen as a result of taking SHSH 3?  Not yet—but anything is possible!!

Sacred Heart Soul Healing III training provides a means for working with the Ascended Masters of Light until we reach full ascended consciousness ourselves. Sacred Heart Soul Healing is the fastest track to ascension that I have ever personally experienced. I won’t tell you that it’s the easiest, because it requires earnest dedication, but I will say that it’s the most rewarding and the only path of healing I ever learned that actually is bringing me into alignment with ascended/higher consciousness more and more each day. Whether I am using it on myself or on others, this work brings me closer to Divine reality than anything I’ve experienced, and frankly that’s saying a lot since I’ve been a Reiki practitioner for 19 years and a practitioner of DNA Activation and Healing for 17 years!

Right now I’m the only person in the world (so far as I know) working with Sacred Heart Soul Healing III energy to cleanse soul wounds, re-write programs of discord from this and other lifetimes and re-establish the connection to the Higher Self and Highest Self (I Am Presence)  by clearing the debris and energy surrounding the path of light. I hope to teach the level III training soon so that other practitioners can begin to walk this path and use these techniques.

I use Sacred Heart Soul Healing in almost every session with clients these days (unless someone asks specifically for a different type of session, of course) and always access the energy as the person is ready to receive. I wish everyone were ready for the level III aspect of Divine Miracles, but that is not always the case. This happens only when a person has reached a point of personal readiness to move beyond a certain issue. Most sessions to date incorporate primarily level II and some level III Sacred Heart Soul Healing techniques.

Sacred Heart Soul Healing III work calls the practitioner to rise and live in oneness with the Higher Self. Yes, that is where we are heading, but I don’t know anyone who has reached this state yet while in the physical world. The Ascended Masters did so, however, and so can we! With every fiber of my being I KNOW that it is possible and that it will happen.

Of course, I would love to be a full-fledged Ascended Master right now so that I could serve the cause of ascension ever more fully and joyfully. For the time being, I am still progressing on this journey as a master of Sacred Heart Soul Healing as I work diligently toward that which is already in place as soon as I am ready for it. Onward and upward for all of us!

