While I retired from monthly meetings of A Gathering of Angels in April 2023, I continue to offer similar classes on occasion. If you would like to sign up for my events email list, click here.
Open to the public on the second Thursday evening of each month, A Gathering of Angels is a series of monthly events done remotely via teleconference. (These were mostly held in person at Dancing Moon Books in Raleigh until the pandemic, and we hope to return to those gatherings when the pandemic dies down.) Topics vary for these mini-workshops. At each meeting, we call in the loving energy of the Angels and Archangels of the Light to offer blessings of healing, guidance, and enlightenment to those present. Most meetings include information on the topic, a guided meditation, and a message of Light from the Angels and other Light Beings related to the topic.
Previous topics for A Gathering of Angels have included:
- Crystal Blessings – Learn which stones resonate with the seven Archangels and how to attune your stone to your own guardian angel. Includes a crystal meditation/Divine message.
- Archangel Gabriel & the Well of Dreams – Learn to access angelic messages, correspondence from Creator, by working more deeply with Divine Messenger Gabriel. Gabriel’s White Light works with the “Well of Dreams” chakra to bring messages during sleep and while waking, especially during meditative states. Includes a guided meditation to assist in accessing angelic messages and a message of Light from Archangel Gabriel.
- Angels of Healing – Discussion of how the Angels of Healing assist in releasing blockages and embracing wholeness. Includes guided meditation to meet, communicate and align with your “Body Elemental” to enhance health and a connected communication from the “Angels of Healing” to access the Divine Blueprint for your wholeness.
- Angels of Abundance – Includes guided meditation to assist in releasing blocks to abundance and opening to love. Diana offers Divine guidance and communication with the Angels of Abundance to unlock the Divine Oneness Consciousness.
- Archangel Michael: Exploring His Many Gifts – Diana offers ways to help you connect with Michael and shares stories of her work with him. Includes guidelines for achieving greater access and alignment with Michael’s energy, a meditation to bring in Archangel Michael’s energy for each person to hear, see, feel, sense, or know what special message he has for you, and a deeper meditation with Archangel Michael.
- Angels of the Violet Flame – Learn more about how Archangel Zadkiel and the Angels of the Violet Flame are working with us to heal the planet and hasten Ascension during this time of great shifts. Includes a guided cleansing meditation to bring forgiveness of self and others and open to the gifts of higher consciousness and connected communication from Zadkiel, Archangel of transmutation, forgiveness and ascension.
- Your Divine Purpose – Each of us carries a unique Signature of Light, a vibration that is elemental to our being and relates to our area of service to the Universe. Includes meditation to connect with your Higher Self and receive inspiration/understanding about your soul’s purpose and connected communication from Archangel Michael and the Angelic Resonance of Purpose. Learn more about determining your role in the Cosmic Design.
- Earth Angels – Explore the invisible realms that share the journey with us here on Earth as well as the many incarnated Light Beings among us. A brief “angel quiz” and a guided meditation to connect with your True Self offers insight into your own cosmic heritage. This meeting also includes connected communication from Archangel Uriel, Archangel of the Earth and Patron of Ecology, joined by other Angels of the Earth.
- World Angel Day
- Sanat Kumara and the Light of Shamballa – Explore the loving light of Mahaguru Sanat Kumara, our planetary logos, who stands with all life on earth holding energy for our Ascension. Learn more about his role and how he works with us as we journey toward enlightenment. Includes a meditation to assist in joining with the energy of Shamballa to receive a message of love and guidance and connected communication from Sanat Kumara.
- Season of Renewal: Light in Winter – Align with the vibration and flow of the season and clarify your inner light! Includes an inner journey into the womb of the Earth, where Earth Mother can replenish our psyches and give sustenance to our spirits, and connected communication from Gabriel, Archangel of Purification and Resurrection, to shine a light within, clearing the way for spring rebirth.
- Intuitive Outlook & Angelic Vibration for 2007
- Archeia Faith, Archangel Michael’s Feminine Counterpart – Learn about twin flames/counterparts in general and Archeia Faith in particular. Discussion of her work with Michael—both how she joins in the efforts to bring enlightenment to all and how she can work with you to enhance your life. Includes meditation to open to faith and receive Divine guidance and connected communication from Archeia Faith to clarify your intentions and align with Divine wisdom.
- Angelic Spring Cleaning for Prosperity and Health – Includes helpful information from the Archangels about these areas as well as a health and prosperity meditation and connected communication from the Angels of Healing and Abundance to release anchors of the past and embrace greater wholeness.
- Nature Spirits and Elementals – Learn more about the faery realm, and go on a meditation journey to meet an animal, plant or mineral spirit who works with you. Diana communicates with the nature spirits to bring inspiration, fun, wisdom and light.
- Angels and The Secret – This topic provides an overview of how the Angels work with the Universal Laws, including the Law of Attraction, to assist humanity. Includes a meditation to ground in the essence of your spirit and connected communication from the Archangels to offer wisdom and guidance in embracing the new paradigm.
- Anchoring Light in the Heart of the Earth – We seek to restore balance by giving back to Gaia, who has sustained us for so long. We recharge the Earth Grid with the essence of unconditional love, gratitude and peace. Let us remember the birth of Atlantis in its time of harmony and the light of Lemuria, where we knew how to sing our life song in tune with the Earth. Even today we can connect with the energies of the ancients and remember how to attune to the Earth and live in harmony with her light. Includes a meditation to connect with the Earth’s Consciousness to amplify peace and love to the entire planet. Diana offers wisdom from the Earth Angels, nature spirits, and elementals to align our energies with the highest and most ideal frequency for healing the Earth and ourselves.
- Angelic Guidance on Relationships – Discussion of soul family members, soul mates, twin flames, and Divine Counterparts. Diana brings in the Light of the Angels of Relationship to offer wisdom that guides us to more fulfilling relationships with our loved ones—both those we already know and those we have yet to meet. A relationship meditation included as well.
- Angels on Earth Healing – The Angels help us to understand the current climate of change upon the Earth and offer guidance on how we personally can make a difference. Includes a guided healing meditation and connected communication with the Angels, Nature Spirits and Grandmother Earth to offer wisdom and alignment to heal both personal and planetary energies.
- Intuitive Outlook & Angelic Vibration for 2008
- Archangel Uriel: Radiance of Peace – Tune in to the energy of Archangel Uriel, the “Divine Alchemist,” in order to refine your essence and polish your inner gold. Learn more about the Ray of Peace and how to work with its energy to embrace peace in your life and extend it into the world. Includes a guided meditation to access the Ray of Peace and connected communication with Archangel Uriel and Aurora.
- New Beginnings: Manifest the Gifts of Spring – Archangel Raphael and the Angels of Spring join with the Angels of Empowerment to align us with the essence of new beginnings. As the spring renews life, the flow of energy for potential growth blossoms all around us. If we take the time to tune into and embrace that energy, we have the opportunity to enlighten the path before us and fulfill the promise held in our dearest dreams. Includes a meditation with the Angels of Empowerment to manifest blessings and connected communication from Archangel Raphael and the Angels of Spring to bring a message of enlightenment.
- Metatron – Learn more about Metatron, who stands as an intermediary between humanity and Source/Creator and assists those of the Earth in communicating with the Divine. During the meditation, experience cleansing of blockages as Metatron floods our beings with purest white light to transform fear into love. In addition, Diana brings in the light of Metatron, whose message is meant to advance us on the path of spiritual evolution.
- Archangel Jophiel – Learn more about the Archangel who directs the yellow ray of Illumination and Wisdom. Includes a guided meditation to experience insight, clarity or inspiration and connected communication from Jophiel to offer wisdom, illumination, and joy to those present.
- Angels Anchor Peace – Join with the angels to align our energies with the essence of peace and expand that vibration to the planet! Includes Archangel Uriel’s Presence of Peace Meditation, techniques for embracing inner Peace and Harmony, messages from the Light Beings who work with us in anchoring peace.
- Angels of Cleansing and Protection – Learn more about the Light Beings who assist us in protection and cleansing and receive an energetic cleansing. Includes Cleansing Meditation with Archangels Michael & Metatron, techniques for protection and cleansing and Divine messages.
- Angels and Abundance – The Angels of Light joyfully assist us in our efforts to release fears and use the power of intention and our own divine essence to co-create the lives we seek. Learn more about manifesting the Light in our lives. Includes techniques for welcoming greater clarity and abundance, prosperity meditation, and Divine wisdom from the Angels of Abundance.
- Invisible Realms of Mother Earth – Explore the invisible realms that share the journey with us here on Earth. Learn how you relate to the nature spirits and elementals and how to walk honorably among them. Includes guidance on working and playing with the unseen realms of Earth, Meditation journey to meet a nature spirit who works with you and connected communication with the nature spirits.
- The Teachings of Archangel Michael – Michael, Archangel of Divine Will and Power, offers His Light for protection, cleansing, faith, courage, aligning with soul purpose and much more. His wisdom is the subject of these presentations, a four-part series on Michael’s guidance regarding many aspects of life. Includes information on teachings of Archangel Michael, meditation to receive Divine guidance, and messages from Archangel Michael.
- Melchizedek – Learn about Melchizedek, priest, righteous king, Light Being who governs the Order of Melchizedek, member of the Council of Light. Includes meditation to access wisdom teachings, information about Melchizedek and his Order and energetic messages from Melchizedek & the Council of Light.
- Archangel Zadkiel and the Angels of the Violet Flame – Learn more about how Zadkiel, Archangel of transmutation, forgiveness and ascension, and the Angels of the Violet Flame (along with Ascended Master St. Germain) are working with us to heal the planet and hasten Ascension during this time of great shifts. Includes guided cleansing meditation to bring forgiveness of self and others and open to the gifts of higher consciousness, information about Zadkiel and the Angels of the Violet Flame and messages from Archangel Zadkiel.
- Our Animal Companions – This presentation offers wisdom from the nature spirits and angels about where animals go when they transition, how we can bring blessings to them as they do to us and some stories of working with animals in healing. Includes insight into communicating with and healing animals, stories about our animal friends, a meditation to connect with animal companions in spirit and messages from the nature spirits and animal guardians.
- Angels of Divine Love – Arise into the Love Vibration! – The Angels of Divine Love unite to remind us that more than ever we are entering a time of awakening to Love. Love is the answer to everything! Includes meditation to align with Divine Love, connected communication with Chamuel and the Angels of Divine Love to provide healing energies and the LOVE Vibration, discussion of ways to embrace greater love in all aspects of life.
- Council of Light: 2012, Time, Universal Laws – The Council of Light, which includes Archangels Michael and Metatron, and Melchizedek among other Light Beings, offers guidance on a number of issues facing humanity at this time. This meeting includes a meditation to connect with Divine guidance, light and guidance from the Council of Nine and other Light Beings, and discussion of Divine wisdom on 2012, Time, Universal Laws, etc.
- Archangels of the Seven Rays – Meet the beautiful Archangels of the Seven Rays: Michael, Jophiel, Chamuel, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel and Zadkiel, whose balancing energies help us to integrate all aspects of Divine potential! Includes meditation to connect with the energies of the Seven Rays, fun quiz to see which Ray(s) you align with most, information about the Archangels of the Seven Rays and connected communication from the Archangels of the Seven Rays.
- Archangels Metatron and Sandalphon – Archangels Metatron and Sandalphon, his twin, annoint us with the White Light of Divine Creation. As intermediaries between humanity and Creator, they bring us transmissions directly from Source and provide clarity and creative manifestation into form. This meeting includes a meditation to connect with the Angels of Form for manifestation, information about Metatron and Sandalphon and anchoring the Light of Metatron and Sandalphon through conscious communication.
- Children fo the Future: Indigo, Crystal & Other Gifted Children/Adults – The Angels of the Light acknowledge the gifts being brought by the Indigo and Crystal Children who have come into the world to help move us to the next level of human consciousness. Many adults who are active in the New Age Movement are forerunners of the Indigo and Crystal Children who pave the way for the next step in our spiritual evolution. This presentation includes a meditation to align with the Inner Child of Innocence and Truth, information about Indigo and Crystal Children and Adults, Divine wisdom about opening and working with the Indigo/Crystal gifts and loving light from the Angels and Archangels.
- Angels of the Three-Fold Flame of Divine Power, Love, and Wisdom – Connect to higher consciousness through the Sacred Space within the Heart and learn more about the pathway to Ascension. Includes meditation to expand the 3-Fold Flame, channeling of Light Beings aligned with the Three-Fold Flame (Archangels Michael, Chamuel, and Jophiel), info on connecting to and living the light of the Three-Fold Flame.
- The Path of Ascension – Metatron, Melchizedek, and a number of Ascended Masters and Archangels unite to align those present with the frequencies that lead to a state of higher consciousness. Includes presentation on Ascension teachings and meditation to raise frequency.
- Archangel Michael’s Gifts of Empowerment – Learn more about Archangel Michael and how he assists us in opening to the aspects of our spirits that can help us through the process of Ascension. Includes meditation to open to spiritual gifts, information on Archangel Michael’s gifts of empowerment (especially discernment) and message from Archangel Michael.
- Intuitive Outlook & Angelic Vibration for 2012
- Angels of Divine Love: Living in the Heart – This meeting focuses on the Angels of Divine Love. Unconditional Love is the key to everything: abundance, joy, relationships, all of life! When we truly embrace Divine Love, the flow of blessings becomes unending. Join us to connect with the Threefold Flame within in the Heart and learn more about the pathway to Divine Love. Includes meditation to expand the 3-fold Flame in the Sacred Space within the Heart, channeling of Light Beings aligned with Divine Love, information on connecting to Eternal Love and Living in the Heart.
- Shift of the Ages: Aligning with Ascension – As we undergo the Shift of the Ages, we receive high-level transformational energies that allow for a great evolution of consciousness. At this meeting we will discuss the shift to higher consiousness and be joined by the Ascended Masters and Angels of the Light who seek to help us rise into Ascension. Includes meditation to align with high-vibrational energies, conscious connection to Light Beings to assist us in raising our consciousness, information on personal transformation and transcendence.
- Archangel Raphael: Healing with the Light – As Archangel Raphael’s season of springtime renews life, the flow of energy for growth and healing blossoms all around us. If we take the time to tune into and embrace that energy, we have the potential to awaken to the gifts of healing. This meeting includes meditation to align with high-vibrational healing energies, channeling of Archangel Raphael to assist in rising into greater wholeness, information on the healing journey.
- Anchoring the Light of Ascension – Michael, Archangel of Divine Will and Power, offers His Light for protection, cleansing, faith, courage, aligning with soul purpose and much more. His channeled wisdom will be the subject of this presentation, the first in a series on Michael’s guidance regarding many aspects of life. Includes information on teachings of Archangel Michael, meditation to receive Divine guidance, connection/messages from Archangel Michael.
- Angels of Divine Love & Divine Wisdom: Creating the World of Light – This meeting evokes the creative energies of the Angels and Archangels of Divine Love and Wisdom to assist us in creating the energetic template for future enlightenment. Includes meditation to align with high-vibrational energies, connection to Archangels Chamuel and Jophiel, info on creatively working with the Angels of Divine Love and Wisdom.
- Paving the Way to Higher Consciousness – The Light of Creation and Ascension flows into our dimension at an ever more rapid pace. We welcome those energies as the Divine Light Beings assist us in paving the pathway to Ascension. Includes meditation to raise consciousness, info on connecting to and living the light, connection to Angels and Archangels of the Light.
- Bask in the Light of Ascension – The Archangels of the Light and Ascended Masters of the Light join together to share their loving messages and energies with all in attendance as we welcome vibrations that shift us toward a state of higher consciousness.
- Angels of Divine Love: A Valentine from the Light – This meeting focuses on the Angels of Divine Love. When we truly embrace Divine Love, the flow of blessings becomes unending. Connect with the Threefold Flame within the Heart and learn more about the pathway to Divine Love. Includes meditation to expand the 3-Fold Flame in the Sacred Space within the Heart, connection to Light Beings aligned with Divine Love, information on Living in Love.
- Angels of Abundance and Creativity – The Angels of Creativity and Abundance offer grace and wisdom to assist us in engaging our creative essence and opening to the flow. Includes information about welcoming greater creativity and abundance, prosperity meditation, connecting to the Angels of Abundance & Creativity.
- Angels on Atlantis & Lemuria – Many of those who lived in Ascension’s Light in the times of Atlantis and Lemuria have been reborn into this time in order to assist in smoothly transitioning from one paradigm to another. What was lost is being rediscovered. It is important to learn from the past in order to welcome a higher vision for the future. Toward that end, the Archangels of the Light will share wisdom and understanding related to these ancient civilizations and what we can learn from both their glorious times and their ends. Includes Divine perspective on these ancient civilizations and their wisdom and messages from the Angels of Divine Wisdom and Creation on the topic.
- Infinite Wisdom from the Angels of Light – This meeting evokes the creative energies of the Angels and Archangels of Divine Wisdom to assist us in enlightening the path before us. Includes meditation to align with Divine wisdom, information on creatively working with the Angels of Divine Wisdom, and messages from Archangel Jophiel and other Light Beings.
- Aurora: The Dawn of Radiance and Peace – Archeia Aurora and her Twin Flame Archangel Uriel radiate Divine love, glorious light and empowering energy as they serve to embrace all life on Earth within Divine grace. In this time of great awakening, the Angels of Divine Radiance engage the ruby, gold and purple ray energies to help us illuminate the Highest Self and become the light of our souls. This gathering seeks to bring forth that radiant light for all present. Includes information on working with the Angels of Divine Radiance, meditation to align with higher consciousness, connecting to Archangels Uriel and Aurora.
- Kindred of the Crystal Kingdom – Learn which stones resonate with the seven major Archangels and how to attune your stone to your own guardian angel. You’re invited to participate in a crystal meditation and channeling for harmonizing with the crystal kingdom. Meeting includes meditation to connect to crystal energies, information on the Earth Angels of the crystal kingdom, connected communication with the crystal kingdom.
- Traveling through Time and Surfing the Waves of Light – In every life there comes a moment, a pause between breaths, a perfect concurrent instant in which all the planets seem to align for you and everything changes based on that one moment and the step you take within it. Whether or not you have knowingly experienced such a synchronous second of the soul, each of us has that potential now to make the shift toward what we can be, to rise into the truth of the soul’s light or remain bound by what once was. The Angels of Light tell us that every second we are alive on this planet is a momentous occasion of perfect potential. What will your next moment, your next move bring? At this meeting we share true tales (human and angelic) of healing through time travel, stepping outside time, surfing the light streams on higher planes.
- The Art of Divine Relationship – The Angels and Ascended Masters of Light live the very essence of Divine Relationship. This goes beyond sharing oneness with their Twin Flames. They are able to see the perfect vision of every soul and honor each person’s spirit so completely that they hold the eternal connection to the brightest and best within all of us. They see the truth of what we are: pure and perfect Light, and these loving Divine Beings hold that vision of our light and always invite us to rise into this truth. In this presentation, the Archangels and Ascended Masters of Light share wisdom on Divine Relationship and invite us through meditation and channeling to join them in a state of grace.
These are fewer than half the topics that have been discussed over the last 16 years. You may see many more on our meetup site. If one of these topics interests you or you would like to sign up for Diana’s events email list, contact Diana to schedule a talk at your venue or request an encore presentation at a future A Gathering of Angels’ meeting.