
“Since God often sends us his inspirations by means of his angels, we ought frequently to offer him our aspirations through the same channel. … Call on them and honor them frequently, and ask their help in all your affairs, temporal as well as spiritual.” —St. Francis de Sales

“God is humanity’s universal teacher and guardian, but his teaching to humanity is mediated by angels.” —St. Thomas Aquinas

Our guardian angels and spirit guides provide comfort, insight and guidance, protection, and loving support throughout our lives. Beings of light and love surround us every step of the way as we make our journey to wholeness and enlightenment. They are always available to us to assist in whatever will uplift us on this path.

The angels invited me some time ago to begin teaching classes to promote the awareness of and connection to their energies. The first of these, Connecting with the Angels, encourages greater awareness of your guardian angels/guides and deepens the sense of kinship you share with them. Gifts of the Archangels puts you in touch with the unique healing qualities of each of the seven major archangels and provides the opportunity to embrace those gifts.

I also share opportunities to connect specifically to Archangels Raphael and Michael. The Archangel Raphael Emerald Ray Activation and workshop is available as a CD set.

I founded the Order of Archangel Michael in June 2002, and, although I no longer offer these initiations as live events, there are CD sets available with the presentation and meditation. Please contact me if this is something of interest.

In addition to these full workshops (taught on demand), Spirit guided me in late 2005 to begin offering mini-workshops on a monthly basis. Thus, in December 2005, A Gathering of Angels was born. These monthly meetings provide an opportunity to learn more about angels and their work with us.

Communicating with the angels is a joyfully uplifting experience for me. As a life-long sensitive, clairaudient and empath, I have come to understand how powerful and enlightening this connection can be. After spending much of life hiding from this work and burying my gifts in order to fit in, I now delight in the conscious choice to walk this path on a daily basis and realize that we can all access this beautiful, loving light. Sharing this ability with others serves to continue to enlighten my own being and, as is true for all who follow their destiny, also contributes to the whole of life and light.