Sacred Heart Soul Healing

SHSHlogoI often am asked the question, “What is Sacred Heart Soul Healing?” I’m honestly not sure how to encapsulate this amazing and beautiful path into a few words. Yes, I can say that it’s an energy healing modality that comes from the Heart of Creation. I can add that it was the healing path of Beloved Master Jeshua (Jesus, the Christ) and that it was He who taught this path to me. Of course, that brings up the fact that I regularly converse with Divine Beings of Light (Angels, Ascended Masters, etc.), and I realize this is something quite out of the ordinary to a lot of people.

I have communicated through clairaudience (clear hearing) with the unseen realms all my life—except for those years when I purposely shut down this gift to function like a “normal” human.  As a child I was told by my beloved mother that, yes, I had “the gift” like my grandmother, but that it was best to keep it hidden from others. So that is what I did—until I came to the place in my journey when I could no longer ignore the calling of my spirit.

So, you see, talking about this modality brings up the source of my training, and that in and of itself may sound a bit strange to some folks. Nonetheless, my teachers of Sacred Heart Soul Healing (SHSH) are the Ascended Masters of Light, chiefly Jeshua, the Great Teacher of the Path of Eternal Peace whom I have known and loved all my days, and Ascended Master Saint Germain, who shines the light of the Violet Ray to assist humanity in freeing ourselves from discord and rising into higher consciousness. My communication with the Archangels has brought understanding to this path as well, but the Ascended Masters are its primary teachers.

The Ascended Masters themselves are indeed true masters of Sacred Heart Soul Healing. They describe Sacred Heart Soul Healing as a path of awakening, a path of healing, a path of enlightenment and ascension!

I suppose the easiest way to explain the modality is to describe each of the levels of its training; so here goes… in a lot more than a few words!

Level I Sacred Heart Soul Healing is appropriate for assisting in the awakening process. It’s ideal for those who seek a closer connection to Spirit, a more harmonious life, and a means for accessing soft healing energy that soothes and harmonizes. Level one training provides an energy that is gentle enough so that even a child could use it with joy and ease. The first degree of this training is a path of peace, and it provides such serene access to the light that (if they choose) people easily can shift to greater alignment and harmony.

Those who are already living a great deal of the time in fifth-dimensional consciousness will find that daily self-practice using SHSH I energy makes that even easier. It can work in conjunction with virtually any other modality to offer additional enlightenment to any path. Typically SHSH I is a hands-on modality that focuses on the chakras and is quite helpful at balancing them and bringing the aspects of our psyches that each chakra represents into a more ideal and stable state.

Level II Sacred Heart Soul Healing offers a big advancement on the path of enlightenment. This is where the miracles begin to happen. While level I is so gentle and easy it could be taught to a child, level II work is much more advanced and provides access to very high frequencies. The first time I taught SHSH II one of my students said of the energy, “Diana, this is way more than twice what the first level is. Isn’t SHSH 2 at least 10 times as powerful as level one?” My answer was, “Yes, it is!”

Level II Sacred Heart Soul Healing really sets us earnestly on the path of healing and ascension. At level two, we work a great deal in the energy field to clear triggers and patterns of discord and trauma, to clear karmic energies and heal karmic wounds, and remove other blockages so that—if the person chooses—he or she can truly leave behind the old framework that no longer serves the ascending soul as we move into this great shift into Divine reality.

Finally, Sacred Heart Soul Healing Level III is the path that invites us to rise into Ascended Master Consciousness, to live the miracles and allow them to become the norm! Does this spontaneously happen as a result of taking SHSH 3?  Not yet—but anything is possible!!

Sacred Heart Soul Healing III training provides a means for working with the Ascended Masters of Light until we reach full ascended consciousness ourselves. Sacred Heart Soul Healing is the fastest track to ascension that I have ever personally experienced. I won’t tell you that it’s the easiest, because it requires earnest dedication, but I will say that it’s the most rewarding and the only path of healing I ever learned that actually is bringing me into alignment with ascended/higher consciousness more and more each day. Whether I am using it on myself or on others, this work brings me closer to Divine reality than anything I’ve experienced, and frankly that’s saying a lot since I’ve been a Reiki practitioner for 19 years and a practitioner of DNA Activation and Healing for 17 years!

Right now I’m the only person in the world (so far as I know) working with Sacred Heart Soul Healing III energy to cleanse soul wounds, re-write programs of discord from this and other lifetimes and re-establish the connection to the Higher Self and Highest Self (I Am Presence)  by clearing the debris and energy surrounding the path of light. I hope to teach the level III training soon so that other practitioners can begin to walk this path and use these techniques.

I use Sacred Heart Soul Healing in almost every session with clients these days (unless someone asks specifically for a different type of session, of course) and always access the energy as the person is ready to receive. I wish everyone were ready for the level III aspect of Divine Miracles, but that is not always the case. This happens only when a person has reached a point of personal readiness to move beyond a certain issue. Most sessions to date incorporate primarily level II and some level III Sacred Heart Soul Healing techniques.

Sacred Heart Soul Healing III work calls the practitioner to rise and live in oneness with the Higher Self. Yes, that is where we are heading, but I don’t know anyone who has reached this state yet while in the physical world. The Ascended Masters did so, however, and so can we! With every fiber of my being I KNOW that it is possible and that it will happen.

Of course, I would love to be a full-fledged Ascended Master right now so that I could serve the cause of ascension ever more fully and joyfully. For the time being, I am still progressing on this journey as a master of Sacred Heart Soul Healing as I work diligently toward that which is already in place as soon as I am ready for it. Onward and upward for all of us!



DNA Activation & Reiki: A Powerful Combination

DNAartCpyRtReiki itself is a powerful healing tool; the same may be said for DNA Activation. Used in conjunction, the DNA Healing Prayer and Reiki offer greater and faster results than anything else I encountered during my first 10 years of investigation into alternative healing methods. (Now I find similar results are available with Sacred Heart Soul Healing in even less time when the person is ready.)

This anecdote offers a perfect example. A woman named Lisa signed up for my Reiki I class in August 1999 approximately two months after her second DNA activation. The day before class Lisa fell and broke her right leg.

When I spoke with her later that day, she was terribly disappointed because she felt she could not attend the Reiki class. I offered to drive Lisa to the workshop and do everything possible to make her comfortable during class, and she readily accepted. She also agreed to view her injuries as an opportunity to see how well and quickly she could heal.

Lisa received four Reiki attunements during the two-day course as well as ample treatment from her fellow students. I also reminded her that she could command her DNA strands to heal more quickly. In fact, as Lisa lay on the Reiki table receiving treatment during the first day of class, she got into theta state, said the DNA Healing Prayer and called on her DNA strands to assist in the healing process.

The results were remarkable. Doctors had told Lisa that she would be on crutches for several weeks and would require two to three months to make a complete recovery. After 12 days, Lisa was no longer using crutches, a walker or even a cane. Her boot-style cast was replaced with an air cast, which enabled her to wear normal sandals and maneuver much more easily.

As Lisa said, “People are amazed, including the doctor—in 12 days time I’m back to pretty close to normal. I saw the x-rays and the cracks are barely visible.”

Three weeks after her injury, Lisa’s new x-rays revealed the break had completely healed. She credits a combination of DNA Activation (and Healing Prayer), her Reiki attunements and subsequent self-treatment for her incredibly fast recovery.

Having used the same methods myself on many lesser injuries (including a broken toe that healed overnight), I have found phenomenal results when combining DNA Healing Prayers with Reiki treatments. Other Reiki students/practitioners who have received DNA activations have reported similar outcomes. Lisa’s experience helps others recognize the potential of this powerful healing combination.

Yet, even the force of the two healing techniques used in conjunction is not the end of the story. One of the great things about learning Reiki is that for most people it seems to open a doorway to a variety of healing energies available (from the angelic realm, the Unity Consciousness, the Ascended Masters, etc.). If I thought that door was open before activation, I soon discovered it had been merely ajar.

I find now that seldom is a Reiki treatment just that. Since DNA Activation, my awareness of the other healing energies and presences has increased dramatically as has my ability to work with and channel all forms of Light for healing.

My work continues to change and blossom as I awaken more and more to the capacity to hear, see, sense and know what my clients need. DNA Activation has opened me more fully to my intuitive and healing gifts and moreover has helped me learn to trust those abilities far more than I did in the past. I feel truly blessed.

© copyright 2007 L. D. Henderson