Sacred Heart Soul Healing

SHSHlogoI often am asked the question, “What is Sacred Heart Soul Healing?” I’m honestly not sure how to encapsulate this amazing and beautiful path into a few words. Yes, I can say that it’s an energy healing modality that comes from the Heart of Creation. I can add that it was the healing path of Beloved Master Jeshua (Jesus, the Christ) and that it was He who taught this path to me. Of course, that brings up the fact that I regularly converse with Divine Beings of Light (Angels, Ascended Masters, etc.), and I realize this is something quite out of the ordinary to a lot of people.

I have communicated through clairaudience (clear hearing) with the unseen realms all my life—except for those years when I purposely shut down this gift to function like a “normal” human.  As a child I was told by my beloved mother that, yes, I had “the gift” like my grandmother, but that it was best to keep it hidden from others. So that is what I did—until I came to the place in my journey when I could no longer ignore the calling of my spirit.

So, you see, talking about this modality brings up the source of my training, and that in and of itself may sound a bit strange to some folks. Nonetheless, my teachers of Sacred Heart Soul Healing (SHSH) are the Ascended Masters of Light, chiefly Jeshua, the Great Teacher of the Path of Eternal Peace whom I have known and loved all my days, and Ascended Master Saint Germain, who shines the light of the Violet Ray to assist humanity in freeing ourselves from discord and rising into higher consciousness. My communication with the Archangels has brought understanding to this path as well, but the Ascended Masters are its primary teachers.

The Ascended Masters themselves are indeed true masters of Sacred Heart Soul Healing. They describe Sacred Heart Soul Healing as a path of awakening, a path of healing, a path of enlightenment and ascension!

I suppose the easiest way to explain the modality is to describe each of the levels of its training; so here goes… in a lot more than a few words!

Level I Sacred Heart Soul Healing is appropriate for assisting in the awakening process. It’s ideal for those who seek a closer connection to Spirit, a more harmonious life, and a means for accessing soft healing energy that soothes and harmonizes. Level one training provides an energy that is gentle enough so that even a child could use it with joy and ease. The first degree of this training is a path of peace, and it provides such serene access to the light that (if they choose) people easily can shift to greater alignment and harmony.

Those who are already living a great deal of the time in fifth-dimensional consciousness will find that daily self-practice using SHSH I energy makes that even easier. It can work in conjunction with virtually any other modality to offer additional enlightenment to any path. Typically SHSH I is a hands-on modality that focuses on the chakras and is quite helpful at balancing them and bringing the aspects of our psyches that each chakra represents into a more ideal and stable state.

Level II Sacred Heart Soul Healing offers a big advancement on the path of enlightenment. This is where the miracles begin to happen. While level I is so gentle and easy it could be taught to a child, level II work is much more advanced and provides access to very high frequencies. The first time I taught SHSH II one of my students said of the energy, “Diana, this is way more than twice what the first level is. Isn’t SHSH 2 at least 10 times as powerful as level one?” My answer was, “Yes, it is!”

Level II Sacred Heart Soul Healing really sets us earnestly on the path of healing and ascension. At level two, we work a great deal in the energy field to clear triggers and patterns of discord and trauma, to clear karmic energies and heal karmic wounds, and remove other blockages so that—if the person chooses—he or she can truly leave behind the old framework that no longer serves the ascending soul as we move into this great shift into Divine reality.

Finally, Sacred Heart Soul Healing Level III is the path that invites us to rise into Ascended Master Consciousness, to live the miracles and allow them to become the norm! Does this spontaneously happen as a result of taking SHSH 3?  Not yet—but anything is possible!!

Sacred Heart Soul Healing III training provides a means for working with the Ascended Masters of Light until we reach full ascended consciousness ourselves. Sacred Heart Soul Healing is the fastest track to ascension that I have ever personally experienced. I won’t tell you that it’s the easiest, because it requires earnest dedication, but I will say that it’s the most rewarding and the only path of healing I ever learned that actually is bringing me into alignment with ascended/higher consciousness more and more each day. Whether I am using it on myself or on others, this work brings me closer to Divine reality than anything I’ve experienced, and frankly that’s saying a lot since I’ve been a Reiki practitioner for 19 years and a practitioner of DNA Activation and Healing for 17 years!

Right now I’m the only person in the world (so far as I know) working with Sacred Heart Soul Healing III energy to cleanse soul wounds, re-write programs of discord from this and other lifetimes and re-establish the connection to the Higher Self and Highest Self (I Am Presence)  by clearing the debris and energy surrounding the path of light. I hope to teach the level III training soon so that other practitioners can begin to walk this path and use these techniques.

I use Sacred Heart Soul Healing in almost every session with clients these days (unless someone asks specifically for a different type of session, of course) and always access the energy as the person is ready to receive. I wish everyone were ready for the level III aspect of Divine Miracles, but that is not always the case. This happens only when a person has reached a point of personal readiness to move beyond a certain issue. Most sessions to date incorporate primarily level II and some level III Sacred Heart Soul Healing techniques.

Sacred Heart Soul Healing III work calls the practitioner to rise and live in oneness with the Higher Self. Yes, that is where we are heading, but I don’t know anyone who has reached this state yet while in the physical world. The Ascended Masters did so, however, and so can we! With every fiber of my being I KNOW that it is possible and that it will happen.

Of course, I would love to be a full-fledged Ascended Master right now so that I could serve the cause of ascension ever more fully and joyfully. For the time being, I am still progressing on this journey as a master of Sacred Heart Soul Healing as I work diligently toward that which is already in place as soon as I am ready for it. Onward and upward for all of us!



Living the Law of Attraction

I Am Violet Flame copyright 2015 L. D. Henderson

The Law of Attraction tells us that “like attracts like” and that we create/manifest based on the energy we are emanating together with our focus. As the saying goes, “Energy flows where the attention goes.”

If we focus mental/emotional energy (preferably love and joy!) on what we want, we send the signal to the Universe to bring this desire to us. Thought + Emotion + Attention/Visualization (+ appropriate action) = Manifestation.

I’d say that for the most part those of us in the metaphysical and healing community are aware of this philosophy. Yet, how many of us actually live it moment to moment?

I must confess that I spend a fair amount of time on Facebook. During what has been a contentious political season, I’ve had numerous opportunities to practice the art of forgiveness and diligently apply the Law of Attraction, doing my utmost to remember to focus on what I seek rather than what I prefer to avoid. I admit that it’s been a challenge, but in every moment I am succeeding more and more!

I’ve seen so many posts expressing extreme hate/anger/fear and directing these energies to specific candidates and/or political issues. At times I’ve been tempted to hit “Like” (and occasionally even did so) in response to posts espousing political opinions that we “anti” one thing or another. Most of the time I’ve been careful to only give that tiny thumbs up to posts that were “pro” someone or something.

What the Law of Attraction reminds us is that if we keep giving attention plus energy to the thing we don’t want, we are feeding and fueling it. Hate and anger are very strong energies. So if we actually hate a candidate or policy, we are giving that person or issue a great deal of energy, and, if we keep focusing that hate or anger against the person or policy we wish to defeat, we are actually strengthening that which we would prefer to diminish.

So what’s the answer in terms of dealing with politics? I can’t answer that for everyone, but I can speak to my own decision. As much as possible, I choose to live the Law of Attraction. I am giving my energy and attention to the candidates I want to elect and the issues I want to promote. In some cases, that means donating to a person’s campaign or to an organization that supports my values, making calls or sending emails that encourage others to take appropriate action, and contacting current members of Congress (state and national), the Governor’s Office, the President, etc. to let my voice be heard on the issues that matter to me. Another thing I like to do is focus at least 10-30 minutes a day on what I want, on the candidate(s) I seek to elect. I hold love and a feeling of joy while visualizing the outcome I want. This is simple Law of Attraction work. I let no feelings other than love and joy come into play while I’m focusing on my desired outcome. I see/feel/think/live that result as if it were already accomplished. As much as possible, I also keep my emotions and thoughts in check the rest of the time.

Granted I’m just one person doing this, but I know the power of it in my own life, and even with the chaotic, hateful energies being sent out by others, I choose to focus entirely on what I want, who I want to see elected, the issues that I would like to see resolved being accomplished.

If I were to do anything else, I would be contributing to what has been a turbulent political climate. Even as I typed the last three words in the previous sentence, I consciously dis-empowered them by igniting them in the Violet Flame of Transmutation. I acknowledge the need to be ever more diligent in choosing my words to create the future I seek. I am done with allowing unconscious choices to rule my world.

I realize that choosing to live the Law of Attraction may seem a daunting challenge to some. However, its benefits are great enough to warrant my own dedication. I’ve had to train myself on an ongoing basis and continue to get better at the process as I practice it more and more.

My precious pet reminds me regularly to continue to apply this law. “How?” you well may ask. While he’s a great animal companion most of the time, but occasionally he does things that are intended to draw negative attention from me, because attention is, after all, what we all seek. I used to scold him, get upset with him and energetically align with the behavior I wanted to stop. Sometimes I would even replay the behavior in my mind because I was irked at it—thus sending the suggestion to him to repeat the behavior! Now when he decides to “try” my patience, I simply withdraw. I leave the room and his presence behind. I take my attention/focus, one of the necessary components for creation, away from the situation and place it on something else that brings me joy. When I return, the little guy is always on his best behavior.

To add more Law of Attraction to correcting this situation, at a time when things are flowing well, I direct as much love toward my animal companion as possible and visualize him behaving beautifully. This makes him less likely to act out again.

I find that practicing the Law of Attraction on the small stuff helps to ingrain it more in my psyche. Over time, it become much easier to live that law as a result. While the political issues of our time couldn’t really be considered small things, choosing as much as possible to hold ourselves in the light and focus on the things we want can make an impact on the situation—especially as more and more of us begin to do so.

Listening to Lucid Dreams

Divine Dream © 2014 L. D. Henderson


Sometimes dreams are simply a mishmash of the day’s events stirred in a pot of subconscious stew—images from the past and present creating a bizarre concoction. Those dreams never seem to stick with me. They drift back into the depths of my psyche when I awaken. But what of the others—the dreams that linger in the mind throughout the day, their images coming up into conscious awareness again and again?

Usually dreams that remain long after awakening are the lucid ones, which leave almost tactile impressions. In a truly lucid dream, the dreamer is aware—one with the dream persona—and may be able to affect change within the dreamscape.

I’ve had many lucid dreams through the years. One of my recent ones was rather fun. After all, it’s exciting to be the heroine in your own saga, and this long dream, which lasted pretty much all night, proved to be quite an adventure. It was like something right out of Homer’s The Odyssey, and my role was rather like that of Odysseus or perhaps Jason, who with the Argonauts went in search of the Golden Fleece. I am on the “Golden Path of Mastery” as a Sacred Heart Soul Healing practitioner, after all!

In the dream, my band of compatriots and I traveled across a vast ocean on a great quest and faced many perils along the way. At one particularly dire moment, I suddenly realized that I was in a dream and knew that I could shape my circumstances if I chose; so I said to my friends, “This is nothing! Everything is calm NOW.” In an instant the great danger in the dream dissolved and evaporated into nothingness. We then continued over calm waters, and I knew that indeed the long journey ahead would be smooth sailing from that point forward.

This related to something that was going on in my own life, and I understood when I awakened that I was equally able to alter my waking reality by practicing the Law of Attraction with the same calm, centered certainty that I had in that lucid sleep adventure. I only needed to realize that, after all, life too is but a dream to be crafted by the person who chooses to walk with lucidity through its challenges. As a result, a major breakthrough happened, and I was able to let go of some things that had been blocking my path.

I love this type of dream, because it is generally a message from the higher self. Lucid dreams provide an opportunity to receive wisdom that can shift our waking lives when we decide to listen and act on the wisdom being conveyed.

Lucid dreams sometimes come with messages from beyond as well. Many times I’ve been visited in dream state by loved ones. I realize that some may say this is just the subconscious’ way of remembering a person who is deceased. While this could be the case, more often than not I believe these are actual visits from those who have transitioned into spirit.

I’ll give you an example from my life. Around 8-9 years ago, I had a dream about my Uncle Glenn, my father’s brother, who had died in 1983. I hadn’t been particularly close to Uncle Glenn and hadn’t thought of him in many years; so when he appeared during my sleep one night I was surprised to see him.

The dream felt exactly like a waking experience—as lucid dreams so often do. My uncle appeared tangible, very much himself and quite adamant. “You need to get someone to go look after your Aunt Hazel immediately! She needs help and I can’t be with her all the time,” he insisted.

I awakened right after the dream encounter with my uncle and felt certain that he was actually present and giving me a clear message. So I decided to call my mother as soon as possible and ask her to look in on my aunt. (I live two hours away and wasn’t able to get there easily myself.)

When I called my mother, she said that Aunt Hazel had been taken to the hospital. At that point, she was beyond the danger and had staff to look after her, but I asked my mother to spend time with her and be sure that she was being well cared for. Since my uncle had indicated a need for protection during his visit, I called on Archangel Michael and his angels to stand watch over her too.

I believe that my uncle came to me that night because of the health crisis my aunt was experiencing—about which I knew nothing until I heard the news from my mother the next day. I have had many visits from family members in spirit over my lifetime and have heard countless stories from clients and friends who have had similar experiences.

I personally believe that it’s wise to pay attention to our dreams, and, in the case of lucid dreams, to act on them when doing so seems prudent. My experience has been that lucid dreams always reveal something important. Whether this comes from the higher self, from loved ones beyond the veil, or from one’s own inner knowing, I choose to listen to and honor the wisdom of such dreams.

Giving and Receiving


When I first found Reiki and learned the principle of energy exchange, I wasn’t exactly ready to embrace this in my life. I believed myself to be a “natural giver.” However, after many life lessons that revealed the need for greater balance, I began to take stock of my behaviors and attitudes.

I was definitely overly giving to such a degree that it made others (*fellow “givers,” that is) at times feel uncomfortable or “beholding” to me. I gave and gave and gave until it literally hurt. In truth, part of my healing journey after my lower back injuries in 1994 was to find a place of balance where I could give in alignment with inner knowing and balance and say “yes” only when I meant it.

Prior to that time, I was such a “yes” person that I found it difficult to say “no.” I was such an extreme giver that I had discomfort when it came to receiving. I even fended off a compliment with some remark that diminished what the person was telling me.

Other person: “What a beautiful blouse!”
Previous me: “Oh, this old thing. I’ve had it forever.”
Other person: “You look great today.”
Previous me: “That’s hard to believe when I got next to no sleep last night.”

Those who know me now may find this laughable, but this is honestly how I typically reacted to a compliment during the first 40+ years of my life! Most of the time I didn’t even realize how ungracious I was being in not receiving.

In the case of compliments, all the giver wants to do is lift you up, see you smile, make your day. In deflecting such a gesture, we diminish the other person and create an imbalance within ourselves and in the relationship. The kind person who simply wants to give a sincere compliment may go away feeling small and dejected as a result.

On the contrary, when we receive and graciously accept that compliment with a genuine smile from the heart and words of gratitude, the giver of the compliment is likely to feel uplifted too, and the two of us unite in creating a moment of joy that spreads throughout our day and the world around us.

Compliments are a great place to begin practicing receiving if you’re in the state of overly giving and failure to receive that I once called normal. This is a small thing that we can practice regularly. What I learned to do was to say “thank you” and just let the compliment wash into my energy field and into my heart. It does wonders to nourish and replenish and—as with all true balance in giving and receiving—ends up being a gift to both the giver and the receiver.

On the journey to balance, I took baby steps in the beginning in this way. I gradually started to incorporate an openness to receiving as a result.

Yes, I have had periods where I was out of balance since learning to honor this need for harmony in giving and receiving. However, I find it significantly easier after many years of practice to (a) sense the imbalance and (b) make the necessary adjustments in my behavior and mindset.

Yes, I still go overboard in the giving department on occasion. But now I realize that I must align with receiving by opening my heart to the Universe. When we welcome with gratitude the gifts that come naturally by virtue of seeking and aligning with balance, things begin to flow more freely.

Here’s an affirmation that I find helpful: “I joyfully allow the circle of universal flow to move through me in perfect balance. I receive that I may freely give. I give that I may freely receive.”

Understand that I am not suggesting that we all become “takers.” That would be as out of balance as being the ultra giver that I used to be. Swinging from one end of the pendulum to the other isn’t very likely for a giver in any case.

What we can do is work on opening to the flow. Yes, we continue to give when we can feel gracious in the process. A gift that comes from obligation only or from a feeling of “you did this for me so I have to do this for you,” is not a gift from the heart, and frankly those are the only ones worth having in my view.

If I give to someone when I feel empty and spent and like I have nothing left in me to give, that person is receiving far less than a true gift and is unlikely to benefit fully. They even may feel a “tug” of energy being drawn back to the “giver.” (I could write a blog just on that phenomenon!) I imagine most of us have received gifts that had strings attached or ones we knew weren’t from the heart. Is that what we want to offer others? I doubt it. As for myself, I would prefer to bring to the table only my best—always.

Unless I can give graciously with full intent, I know that I’m not really honoring the recipient or myself, and the gift holds no positive energy. So I still give plenty—whenever my heart tells me the need is there and I am joyful in the offering. Yet, I also receive now with the same level of gladness, gusto and gratitude for the exchange.

Each of us can open the space within ourselves to receive a blessing in return for the outpouring of love and giving we send into the world. In opening that space, we are replenished and renewed and have infinitely more to keep giving.

(*Note re second paragraph: A “taker” is unlikely to feel that discomfort as they feel this is their natural state as I did in being a “giver.”)

© 2016 L. Diana Henderson

Usui Shiki Ryoho: Reiki: A Matter of Degree

Reiki1-2TemplateCpyRSo much of what happens in our lives is a matter of timing. We heal when we’re ready to heal. We learn our lessons at the exact moment we are prepared to experience the great aha!

The same is true when we embark on the path of the healer. Because the world has accelerated and our vibrations are rising as Lightworkers, it’s ever more important to embrace our gifts by allowing ourselves to process them fully. When learning the Usui System of Natural Healing, more commonly known as Reiki, we have a responsibility to honor the power of this amazing energy by integrating each of its levels or degrees before moving on to the next one.

Because I recognize the impact and power of each degree of Reiki, I teach the three levels successively allowing sufficient time for the cleansing and integration process between each class.

I remember well how eager I was to learn the second level after taking Reiki I. As a fire sign (Sagittarius) who wants everything to happen yesterday, I was champing at the bit.  But I recall with equal clarity that period of processing after the first incredible Reiki class. During those first three weeks, I experienced some detoxification or clearing, which is relatively common. More importantly, I truly could sense the tremendous changes taking place as the energy became more and more at home in all aspects of my life.  It was beautiful to experience the power of Reiki unfolding like the petals of a lotus blossom.

When I took Reiki I in 1997, I received four attunements—each one more potent and amazing than the last.  There are Reiki Masters who shortcut this process and teach Reiki I in an afternoon offering only one brief attunement and little instruction. As a Master teacher, I prefer to honor the power of Reiki I by offering four attunements to my own students, just as I received, because I wouldn’t want them to miss out on any aspect of the full first degree Reiki gifts. I give the attunements over a span of time (Reiki I is a 10-hour class) along with the knowledge of how to use the energy more effectively.

On my own path as a student of Reiki, I waited a little over a month between Reiki I and II. My patience couldn’t hold out for longer, and I sensed intuitively that the time was right.  Because I had fully processed the first degree energy, when I was attuned to the second level, I could distinguish the difference in the vibration of this life force energy.

To make an analogy to music, I liken Reiki I to middle C on the scales. Reiki II raises the vibration an octave higher, and Reiki III an octave higher still. Had I taken all the levels at once or too close together, I would never have known that first beautiful note that so graciously set the tone for everything that followed.

As an intuitive, I listen to my inner voice and connect with the Divine to seek insight and guidance. For me that wisdom was clear: To learn and to teach Reiki as a matter of degree—one class at a time on a path to greater enlightenment.

My inner sense is that those who learn Reiki as a brief workshop or take two or three levels at the same time miss something vital in the awakening process. A greater concern is that taking too many levels at once could cause an energetic overload unless the attunements given were far less powerful than those I received when opening to this wondrous energy.

I grew up taking piano lessons for seven years. My teacher didn’t start me out playing Bach, because I wasn’t ready for that. First I had to learn the scales. Of course, learning Reiki is much easier than learning piano. For many, it feels like coming home to the light of the spirit that has always been there.

The point is we need to ground ourselves in one level before moving to the next. For some, that time is shorter than for others, but the time required for processing, 21 days, has not changed in the years since I began teaching in 1998.

As a Reiki Master I place great value on each level of Reiki. Each has its unique resonance, its perfect flow of Light and Life Force. I invite those interested in opening to the gifts of Usui Shiki Ryoho to find a Reiki Master teacher who embraces the complete power of each degree of Reiki and honors its mastery.

copyright 2004 L. Diana Henderson, Reiki Master Teacher

DNA Activation & Reiki: A Powerful Combination

DNAartCpyRtReiki itself is a powerful healing tool; the same may be said for DNA Activation. Used in conjunction, the DNA Healing Prayer and Reiki offer greater and faster results than anything else I encountered during my first 10 years of investigation into alternative healing methods. (Now I find similar results are available with Sacred Heart Soul Healing in even less time when the person is ready.)

This anecdote offers a perfect example. A woman named Lisa signed up for my Reiki I class in August 1999 approximately two months after her second DNA activation. The day before class Lisa fell and broke her right leg.

When I spoke with her later that day, she was terribly disappointed because she felt she could not attend the Reiki class. I offered to drive Lisa to the workshop and do everything possible to make her comfortable during class, and she readily accepted. She also agreed to view her injuries as an opportunity to see how well and quickly she could heal.

Lisa received four Reiki attunements during the two-day course as well as ample treatment from her fellow students. I also reminded her that she could command her DNA strands to heal more quickly. In fact, as Lisa lay on the Reiki table receiving treatment during the first day of class, she got into theta state, said the DNA Healing Prayer and called on her DNA strands to assist in the healing process.

The results were remarkable. Doctors had told Lisa that she would be on crutches for several weeks and would require two to three months to make a complete recovery. After 12 days, Lisa was no longer using crutches, a walker or even a cane. Her boot-style cast was replaced with an air cast, which enabled her to wear normal sandals and maneuver much more easily.

As Lisa said, “People are amazed, including the doctor—in 12 days time I’m back to pretty close to normal. I saw the x-rays and the cracks are barely visible.”

Three weeks after her injury, Lisa’s new x-rays revealed the break had completely healed. She credits a combination of DNA Activation (and Healing Prayer), her Reiki attunements and subsequent self-treatment for her incredibly fast recovery.

Having used the same methods myself on many lesser injuries (including a broken toe that healed overnight), I have found phenomenal results when combining DNA Healing Prayers with Reiki treatments. Other Reiki students/practitioners who have received DNA activations have reported similar outcomes. Lisa’s experience helps others recognize the potential of this powerful healing combination.

Yet, even the force of the two healing techniques used in conjunction is not the end of the story. One of the great things about learning Reiki is that for most people it seems to open a doorway to a variety of healing energies available (from the angelic realm, the Unity Consciousness, the Ascended Masters, etc.). If I thought that door was open before activation, I soon discovered it had been merely ajar.

I find now that seldom is a Reiki treatment just that. Since DNA Activation, my awareness of the other healing energies and presences has increased dramatically as has my ability to work with and channel all forms of Light for healing.

My work continues to change and blossom as I awaken more and more to the capacity to hear, see, sense and know what my clients need. DNA Activation has opened me more fully to my intuitive and healing gifts and moreover has helped me learn to trust those abilities far more than I did in the past. I feel truly blessed.

© copyright 2007 L. D. Henderson

Healing Prosperity Issues

Reiki1-2TemplateCpyRAs a member of a professional Reiki network, I received a question posed by someone else in the group about how we can deal with abundance issues both for ourselves and the world. Below is the response I posted along with a few other thoughts I hope will be helpful to all who seek to move beyond struggle and into harmony regarding the issue of financial security.

As Lightworkers, how can we deal with prosperity issues and the global marketplace?

The answer first and foremost begins within ourselves. We need to work consciously and diligently to clear/heal our own issues regarding prosperity. This takes place on many levels.

1. Clear and balance chakras: All the chakras play a role in this, but the heart chakra seems to be key. Healing issues of unworthiness and releasing feelings of lack from the heart center is vital. Also, working to clear the lower chakras can help tremendously. We can work to heal survival issues that block the base/root chakra and consciously breathe nourishing, supportive energy up from the Earth. We can clear the sacral center for greater ease in manifestation on the material plane and balance the solar plexus to release fears, increase a sense of personal empowerment and align the will with the Higher Will.

2. Heal emotional and mental issues related to prosperity: I recommend the wonderful book called Abundance through Reiki by Paula Horan. It’s great for anyone working to overcome prosperity issues whether or not they have taken Reiki.

Reiki practitioners who have learned the techniques at Level 2 Reiki can make use of the emotional symbol techniques to ingrain prosperity affirmations within the subconscious and the energy centers. Creating your own affirmation based on self-exploration works best, but you also can find a plethora of abundance affirmations on the web by plugging that topic into your search engine. Get ideas from these and then reword the affirmation(s) to align with your specific needs/intentions and your way of thinking/processing.

Once you have your affirmation ready, surround yourself with protective, loving energy, center yourself, align with the light of your spirit through meditation, and impart affirmations using the emotional symbol techniques learned in Reiki 2. Getting into a deep meditative state and centering first enhances this experience. Give yourself Reiki for at least 10 minutes prior to using the emotional symbol in order to fully relax and open to the energy.

If you have never learned Reiki or haven’t moved to Level 2, you can still use the affirmation technique. Say a prayer to anchor your affirmation within your subconscious and in your chakras. Then get into a deep meditative state and center yourself aligned with the Light of Source above and the core of the Earth below. Imagine a beautiful, perfect line of golden white light flowing between the center of the Universe/Source/the Divine and the center of the Earth through your core. Call on the Divine Life Force to gently flow through you to empower your affirmation(s). Repeat this daily as needed until you begin to “own” that sense of abundance as part of your normal way of thinking and living.

In doing this personal work, we are able to hold the energy of prosperity, which can bring great blessings into our own lives AND also touches everyone we meet with that frequency. Think of yourself like a radio tower sending out waves of energy far and wide. What we do personally to enhance our own vibrations and hold a higher frequency can affect the greater whole.

3. We also can honor the concept of energy exchange on a daily basis. We can allow the circle of that exchange to be completed in every experience in our lives to the best of our abilities so that no one is left feeling less than another.

4. We can relinquish fear-based judgments. Getting into the habit of catching ourselves and clearing those judgments as they’re in progress keeps judgments from anchoring detrimental energy in our fields and allows us to move beyond the fear-entrenched habit of judging. While “discernment” aligns us with what is beneficial for each of us, “judgment” simply spreads the energy of fear, which is what we need to clear in order to move to a higher ideal.

One aspect of judgment closely linked to the fear of lack—something even the most conscious among us sometimes might miss—is pitying another person. We may think of pity as a form of compassion, but these are entirely distinct from one another. Compassion says to the person, “I understand and I love you. I will stand with you in strength as you empower yourself to move beyond your current state.” On the contrary, pity says, “Clearly you are weak and have no choice but to remain in this state. I’m sorry this is true, but true it is. Go ahead and stay right where you are. I will enable you to remain stuck in your story.”

All forms of judgment, even pity, place the judger and the judged on unequal footing with the latter beneath the former.

We are one. Any inadequacy we see in another exists within us on some level. If it didn’t, we wouldn’t feel compelled to judge. We might discern that which is out of alignment with our own well-being, of course, for this is simply self-preservation, but the moment we step into judgment, which places someone beneath us, we diminish the other person and ourselves.

The difference between discerning and judging can be difficult to define. Perhaps this example will help: If I discern that it is appropriate not to engage a business partner or associate whose values place money at the top of their priorities, I’m simply aligning with my values based on the knowledge at hand. If I judge someone as greedy and shun or criticize that person, I energize greed within that individual and myself.

5. Think beneficial thoughts: In addition to avoiding judgments, we can be more focused on positive thinking and retraining thought patterns that no longer serve us. Of course, the Reiki 2 technique for emotional healing also assists with this. Again, getting into the habit of catching ourselves and clearing detrimental thoughts in the moment, consuming them with violet flame and replacing them instantly with beneficial affirmations, can assist greatly in retraining the mind and creating an environment energized to receive blessings. (Note: If help is needed in this process, energetic cleansing sessions and Sacred Heart Soul Healing may be of assistance.)

6. Use conscious languaging: It’s vital to pay attention to the words we choose in our everyday conversations. An important aspect of retraining the mind toward greater benefit involves creating an established framework for conscious language. We can begin by repeating affirmations each day. If we hone and alter the language in these often to reflect the shifts happening in our lives, they won’t become stale. We need to “up the ante” on our affirmations to create greater impact over time.

Beyond affirmations, choosing our words carefully will go a long way toward enhancing our lives. Thoughts given voice are more powerful than those that simply pass fleetingly through the mind. If we constantly vocalize dissatisfaction, discomfort, etc., we energize the condition we rue and create more congestion in our energy bodies.

Therefore, we need to work on improving our vocabularies, having in our minds all manner of joyful words and expressions, keeping them ever at the ready for use in our daily discussions. At the same time, it’s most helpful to stop empowering phrases like “economic crisis” by repeating them over and over. This country and the world were experiencing this mindset when I first wrote this article, and that phrase was repeated often in the news of the time (2009). In order to shift beyond this energy, I altered the title of the article when I originally posted it. The second half of the title had been “Alleviating Economic Turmoil,” but I decided that phrase energized the very conditions I wished to “alleviate.”

Another aspect of beneficial languaging, speaking truth can be very empowering. If we present our truths consciously, shaping our words with an awareness of their energy and effect on ourselves and on listeners, honoring all parties involved, we can create a field of empowerment that takes nothing from another and energizes relationships toward greater harmony. This requires diligent attention to the way we speak the truth. Our emotions, word choices, body language and inflection need to align with our highest intentions when speaking truth.

7. We need to bring spirit into business. Certainly in the Western world, for some time business has seemed to be immersed in greed. This wasn’t always so. When I was a child, the business community seemed to have much more heart.

Many Reiki Masters and healing arts practitioners have “day jobs” and work in the business arena. Let us shine our lights and do our utmost to bring spirit back into the corporate realm so that over time the attitudes can change there.  I believe the business community already has begun to shift. Certainly on the level of small business, many people are aligning with the Law of Attraction and practicing a more heart-centered philosophy. That seems to be infiltrating the consciousness so that big business will follow suit and in some cases already has begun to shift.

8. Forgive and love: While we’re working on uplifting the realm of business, when we discern an instance of greed, we can practice forgiveness and love. We can recognize that greed is simply a form of fear, and, although we may not want to admit it, most of us have experienced a twinge of greed on those occasions where we aligned with the energy of fear of lack.

Forgiving actions that we see as harmful to us erases the detrimental energy of the experience from our energy bodies and opens the way to blessings. Offering love without condition or limitation to those who “wrong” us enables us to move forward unfettered by the attachments to fear-based experiences/exchanges and opens the space for gifts from the Universe.

Will it help to forgive and love the executives who took billions in a bailout from the government some years ago and then rewarded their people for poor performance, to forgive and love the Wall Street broker who stole billions in a huge fraud scheme, etc.? Absolutely! Forgiveness clears the path to greater wholeness. We can forgive and love every instance of greed in those we encounter—and in ourselves! Doing so will alleviate the congestion of fear in the collective and most assuredly within our own beings, and this can help bring recovery.

9. Breathe gratitude: Finally, we can cultivate profound gratitude for what we have. If every out breath sent the energy of gratitude for the blessings in our lives, with each inhale more blessings would come. Breathing gratitude is something I’ve enjoyed for a long time, and I’ve seen visible results in my life.

For a profound technique to manifest and embrace gifts from the Divine, I love the book, The Moses Code, by James Twyman, which gives you a concrete method for breathing your blessings into reality. Another book I love that helped me move into this state of gratitude more fully many years ago is Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach.

Beyond working on ourselves as individuals, we can also band together in groups small and large to do this same kind of work. Bringing together people—as many as possible—to hold the energy of calm related to the economy, the financial system, as well as our personal finances can help ease the fear congestion surrounding this issue.

Each month I offer a free guided meditation phone call for healing and abundance. It’s held on the fourth Monday either at lunchtime, 12:33 PM, or in the evening at 7 PM (Eastern Time). One month will be evening and the next lunchtime and so on. The call lasts just over half an hour and allows participants to clear detritus, align energies and embrace greater wholeness and abundance according to each one’s readiness. If you want to participate in this event, please contact me by clicking here.

© copyright 2009 L. Diana Henderson, Reiki Master Teacher & Healing Arts Practitioner

Animal Healing Story

birdhealingCpyRtThe Christmas Blue Bird and the Valentine’s Day Cardinal

Since learning Reiki in 1997 and DNA Healing Techniques in 1999, I’ve seen many miracles—some great and some small—in my own life and the lives of others. None touched me more deeply than what happened on Christmas Day 1999 and again on February 13, 2000.

All my life I’ve had a strong and abiding love for animals. Perhaps closest to my heart are the birds that soar and sing and brighten our lives with their essence. My husband and I share our home with two beautiful parrots, and my connection with these wondrous creatures has served to deepen my affection for all our avian friends.

Of the song birds, the blue bird has remained my life-long favorite. My spirit soars when I see that flash of brilliant blue dart from our rooftop to a neighboring tree. So it was with great distress that I met what happened that Christmas Day in 1999.

On that windy morning, the temperature hovered below freezing. As we opened Christmas presents, we heard a loud thud against the window of our great room. I ran to the sliding glass door and saw a blue bird lying limp on the weathered wooden deck. Tears welled in my eyes. Even though all appearances led me to fear the worst, I held onto a small hope, said a prayer and prepared to face the cold.

I happened to be dressed all in blue bird blue that day; I added a blue hat and blue cape and hurried outside. When I got close, I could see this precious feathered creature was all but dead. I picked up the blue bird, unconscious and barely breathing, placed him in a towel and took him inside our sun room. It’s a cold space that time of year but out of the wind at least. There I held him gently as my being overflowed with love for this wild and wondrous animal. I channeled Reiki to him for close to 15 minutes, but still he remained unconscious, virtually lifeless. I spoke to his spirit from my heart and told him I would understand whichever choice he made—whether to be healed or to leave this world and fly free within the Light.

Then it came to me: Perform a DNA Activation and Healing on him. I knew that the DNA Healing Techniques, along with the Reiki that still poured into him and the prayers I spoke, would enhance and manifest whichever choice this bright bird made. The process is very simple with animals. I began by connecting with the blue bird’s consciousness and asking permission to proceed from his spirit and from the Divine. After receiving consent, in oneness with the Divine Light, I commanded the Youth and Vitality chromosomes to be activated. I followed this with commanding a DNA Healing, then giving thanks and expressing that this healing be made manifest.

Immediately, a voice inside me said, “Get ready to take the bird outside.” True to my skeptical nature, I disregarded this inner wisdom and waited. Within 30-60 seconds of completing the DNA Activation and Healing, the blue bird awakened, looked around, and, startled by the unfamiliar surroundings, began to fly around the room. It took about five minutes to catch the little darling and help him back outside, but I was filled with such joy that I didn’t mind the effort.

I said a prayer and asked to see him again later in the day to be certain he was well, and that prayer was answered. Toward dusk just as I happened to look outside, he came and sat on the railing of the deck (not a typical landing spot for local blue birds). He was unmistakable with his feathers more than a bit bedraggled. Many he’d left on the deck after his crash. He looked at me, sang for a moment and then went on his way.

I gave thanks for this miracle countless times, but, chronic skeptic that I was then, a part of my psyche still whispered that this was mere coincidence. I suppose I needed to be taught the lesson twice, and Nature’s loving creatures were willing to oblige.

On the day before Valentine’s Day, my second favorite of the song birds, a male cardinal, crashed into the same window. I ran outside and once again brought the little one in a towel into our chilly sun room. Again I performed the same ritual: I said a prayer and channeled Reiki to the unconscious bird. He had lost even more feathers than the first, and, although the day was not quite as cold as that Christmas had been, he surely would have died had there been no intervention.

This time the thought of performing the DNA Activation and Healing came sooner. I used exactly the same method with identical results. Within a few seconds of completing the DNA Healing Techniques, the cardinal awakened and flew around the room! This time I listened a bit better to my intuition and opened the sliding glass door just in time; so my small red friend found his way out quickly. Later in the day, he too came back for a visit. I heard the unmistakable call of a male cardinal and went to the window. With tattered plumage and more than a few feathers missing, this still brilliant bird came to say, “Thank-you.”

I must have smiled for a week afterward. “I got it,” I said to the Universe. “We have the means for miracles in our grasp. I won’t forget it again.” And I haven’t. Every time I see a blue bird or hear a cardinal’s song, I remember these miracles and am filled with hope for humankind, for the Earth and all her creatures.

© copyright 2002 L. Diana Henderson

Energetic Cleansing: An Essential Process

Do you try to heal but never fully succeed? Does fear rule your life or impact your decisions? Do you feel blocked from your intuitive wisdom or isolated from others? Energetic Cleansing, an integral part of any deep healing regimen, provides the foundation for permanent healing of our issues.  If we cleanse regularly (and protect our energetic essence as well), we can enhance our efforts to heal and to manifest.

Cleansing, however, is not a magic pill or a quick fix. In our fast-paced world, we all long for that instant result. While each cleansing session provides a greater degree of clarity and spiritual connection, the process is not a one-time overall solution. Just as we have accumulated detrimental energies and fear residues over time, we generally release those unwelcome energies through a process of regular cleansing.

Clients sometimes ask why cleansing is necessary, why these detrimental energies exist or why they are allowed to wreak havoc in the lives of “good people.” Everything is a matter of free will. We choose to tap into the fear in the world to one degree or another until we are ready to move beyond it. We allow fear to flood our psyches and our lives. This is a hard answer to accept, of course, until we begin to take responsibility for our energetic well-being.

In addition, on the spiritual level, I believe that for each of us the Higher Self holds the imprint for the soul’s human evolution. A variety of experiences fulfill that life plan, and sometimes we attract detrimental energies/entities that will contribute to that spiritual/human development. As we move through life, we pick up many forms of detrimental energy, which at times may serve a purpose in our growth process by providing a level of discomfort that forces change, revealing aspects of self that need to heal, and challenging us to learn a vital lesson for our spiritual evolution. But these energies are meant to be temporary irritants to impel change and should released and transmuted as soon as we make the appropriate life changes and personal growth.

Most of us, however, are unaware of how to release this detritus and therefore continue to be inundated by many layers of detrimental energy, fear residue and “energetic sludge” that reaches a point at which it prevents our consciousness evolution rather than driving it. If we don’t free ourselves from these energies and the behavior patterns that open our lives to their imprint, we may find ourselves chained to the past and the events that triggered their appearance in our lives.

We have the responsibility to prepare ourselves for releasing these unwelcome energetic resonances. Growing beyond fear-based behavior patterns, the victim mindset, the mentality of lack—even if the task is performed one baby step at a time—and employing healing modalities that will enhance this process—allows us to begin to operate on higher frequencies that create optimal conditions for releasing detrimental influences.

If we do not take responsibility and do the work that is required for “healing” our issues, we can uncover and transmute layers of detritus only to find that new ones form (from additional detrimental energies operating at the same frequency) to take the place of what was removed. I’ve seen this happen sometimes with clients who were not ready to engage fully in the process. These individuals felt uplifted very briefly but soon sank back into the same state as before the cleansing.

Was there value in the session(s) under these circumstances? I believe so. When we are in a place of great distress, even temporary easing of that onslaught offers much needed respite.  In addition, that respite reminds us that there is a better way to feel, that there is hope for moving beyond the current state. Clients who experience this sort of temporary shift often are spurred to seek additional cleansing/healing assistance, which in most cases eventually will bring them to the point of readiness for more lasting results.

At the other end of the spectrum, I’ve seen countless clients who were making great strides in their personal empowerment and genuinely ready to welcome greater wholeness. These clients were able to release layers of detrimental energy that never returned and in many cases went on to continue the process by either learning the cleansing techniques and using them on themselves or by having repeated sessions or both. In many of these cases, clients moved beyond the physical manifestation or the emotional issue/fear either completely or to a very large degree.

What then is the difference? Responsibility is the first key. Some clients want me to cure them, to which I reply that they must heal themselves. Facilitating healing brings me great joy, but I am no more than the facilitator, the go-between if you will, between the client and the Divine. Each of us must take responsibility for our healing and everything required to enhance that process, including personal energy protection and cleansing.

This means when a person has received a cleansing session and released a great deal of detritus, healing work needs to follow in short order. This can involve anything from traditional therapy to energy modalities to self-help tools such as affirmations or a combination of many forms.  We must retrain ourselves to engage in positive thinking and break habits that are out of alignment with our wellness if we wish to retain the benefits of cleansing sessions.

Part of responsibility is learning to attain greater energetic awareness, provide energetic protection for ourselves and do basic cleansing for ourselves and our environment. After extensive training with Archangel Michael and other Light Beings in how to do this work effectively, I was guided to offer classes to assist others in cleansing and protection so that they would have access to some simple methods to perform this process. I also teach Sacred Heart Soul Healing, Reiki, and other forms of energy healing to enhance the work that is necessary for staying clear of layers already released and continuing to increase clarity.

The second key is readiness. The Light Beings with whom I work to engage the Divine energies necessary for in-depth cleansing could instantly transmute all forms of detrimental energy and remove all blockages and fear if that were truly what the person was ready to accept and in his/her highest good. But for most of us this work tends to be a process; that’s part of the human experience. Therefore, generally what we accumulate over time through our lives gets released in layers over time as well. As we reprogram our outmoded thought patterns and begin living empowered and responsible lives, we grow more and more into our wholeness and are ready to release more and more of the layers of detrimental energy.

Part of readiness involves the peeling of the onion or getting to the heart of the issue(s) at hand. Sometimes we peel away one layer only to recognize there is something much deeper that needs to be healed. We have to ask ourselves the tough questions, recognize the payoff of our current state (there generally is one unless we’re truly ready to heal at this moment), and claim our lives in such a way that we no longer need that payoff.

As an example, consciously I wanted desperately to heal my back after a car accident in 1994 left me seriously debilitated. I tried many methods and worked very hard but still spent a great deal of my time in terrible pain. One day someone asked me how the back pain served me. What was my payoff? At my core I knew the answer: Giver that I was, I found it hard to say “no” to anyone. For me the back pain was an instant and easy excuse any time I wanted to say “no.” Part of my process, therefore, was learning to say “no” without excuses and understanding that I needed a balanced flow of giving and receiving in my life.

Intensive work using many modalities helped me to deal with these deeper issues and assisted me in releasing the layers of detrimental energy I had accumulated during that very low ebb in my life. In the beginning, of course, I was ready only to get temporary relief; I had to grow into greater wholeness little by little. For this reason, I find it easy to remove judgment of others who are in their own process. I recognize that most of us need time to realign our thinking and establish new patterns. We cleanse and we heal at the rate that is appropriate.

The third key is karmic cleansing. We often carry detrimental karma related to a specific issue or relationship. Sometimes clients need to cleanse karmic debt related to the issue at hand in order to work more effectively on healing and releasing related detrimental or dark energies once and for all. For this reason, Archangel Zadkiel and Ascended Master St. Germain work through me to provide karmic cleansing to whatever degree is appropriate for the person spiritually at that time. (Dispensation for karmic cleansing sometimes comes in “doses” rather than all at once if the situation warrants this.)

Once karmic debt is cleansed, the person can release the spiritual imprint for the issue and the corresponding detrimental frequency that draws and holds dark energies connected to that issue.  Karmic cleansing, therefore, is one factor in “readiness.” Forgiveness of self and others is the greatest contributor to karmic cleansing.

Responsibility still reigns as the overriding element to complete cleansing/release and healing. Readiness flows from taking responsibility and all that involves.

Cleansing is for me an ongoing process that is coupled with healing work. I shield energetically on a regular basis and continue to cleanse daily, which brings more and more joy into my life. Layers of detritus still arise for release, and thankfully I now have the knowledge and the energetic framework to transmute that detrimental energy and fear and to work intently on healing the issues related to it.

© copyright 2007 L. Diana Henderson

Reiki Practitioner since 1997, Reiki Master since 1998, Founder of Order of Archangel Michael, 2002, Founder of Sacred Heart Soul Healing

Clear Away the Old, Welcome the New

Reiki2-3TemplateCpyRThe new year is a perfect time to clear the remnants of the previous year both literally and figuratively. After the holidays both our homes and our energy fields may need a good cleaning. So while we’re throwing away the torn wrapping paper, hauling out the Christmas tree and putting away those ornaments and decorations, let’s set aside some time to release the other baggage from our past….

First, think back over the year and go through the act of conscious forgiveness. Did a friend hurt you? Did your father or your mother-in-law (or any other loved one) make a critical comment while visiting at the holidays? Did your spouse disappoint you? Did your co-worker or boss belittle you?

Consider for a moment the emotional wounds you experienced. Don’t dwell on them—just bring them momentarily to mind—and as you do, ask the Divine (according to your beliefs) to cleanse your heart and mind of any discord you feel for these events. Invite the light of the Violet Flame, the ray of forgiveness, into your heart and hold its energy there.

Then, visualize the person, holding them in love as much as possible, and internally say (and mean!), “I forgive you and I forgive me.” Self-forgiveness is as vital as mercy toward others, for many times we may hold residual self-blame no matter the circumstance.

After you have forgiven as much as you can recall of the previous year’s indescretions and difficulties, ask the Violet Flame to live in your heart for a while to continue to release any additional blockages caused by old wounds. If you wish you may repeat the following three times: “I forgive every hurtful act and experience and welcome love and mercy toward all including myself.”

The human energy field actually shifts when a person truly forgives. Therefore, the very act of forgiveness will help to clear blocks in all aspects of life and open your being to greater blessings on many levels.

Follow this process of forgiveness by expanding the Three-Fold Flame within the Heart (blue, yellow, pink), the flames of Divine power, wisdom and love, and also the Violet Flame, to encompass your body and energy field with the intention of clearing/cleansing and instilling love. Meditate at length on the expanded Three-Fold Flame and Violet Flame. When you feel the process is complete, draw the flames back into the heart where they always reside. Repeat the meditation as needed.

On the physical level, it’s a great idea to clean and Feng Shui your home for greater abundance and health in the new year. As you do so, say a prayer of cleansing and blessing in each room to improve the flow of energy. If you know Reiki, Sacred Heart Soul Healing, or any other energy healing modality, you can send these energies into the walls, ceiling, floor and atmosphere of your space.

You may add some pink rose petals to the corners of each room to absorb negative energy (remove when they begin to dry out) and place crystals in the corners to enhance flow (you’ll need to cleanse the crystals first and repeat periodically). Amethyst or clear quartz would be suited to this task.

With these simple steps, it’s possible to begin the new year with greater clarity and joy.

© copyright 2010 L. Diana Henderson