Love Is

My husband and I will celebrate our 28th anniversary later this month. This annual celebration never fails to evoke gratitude for the years we’ve shared. Our lives together have not been without struggles, and the journey has been circuitous at times as well as rocky, but through everything we’ve found a way to continue to love each other deeply and be there for each other in ways we could not have imagined the better part of three decades ago.

This brings to mind the nature of love. It is so much more than the spark ignited when two people have chemistry. Love is the foundation on which to build something that lasts, and it is the cleansing and healing power that makes all things possible. Love is the one sure way past any problem and the one true answer to every prayer.

In terms of relationship, love is the hand reaching out to pick up the partner who falters, the shoulder to lean on in the lean and difficult times, the warm embrace at the end of a grueling day when a sigh speaks more than words ever could. During our years together, we’ve experienced loss of livelihood, accidents and injuries, illness, loss of loved ones, and many other challenges that are part of most lives. But we’ve also risen into greater harmony, found our soul paths, healed on many levels, and released a lot of old wounds and burdens. Of course, healing is an ongoing process, uncovering each layer as we are ready to let it go. The journey to living in the heart and standing in our strength continues, and, yes, we still stumble, still lose our way on occasion and forget our truths in favor of some looming circumstance. But, thankfully, we have many healing tools and the art of listening to help make things better.

Love gives rise to gratitude and gratitude strengthens love. One of the things we still do each day is say “thank you” for the little things. It would be so easy to take them for granted after so many years, but we make a point of being grateful to each other. If he does the dishes, I say, “Thank you, love.” He thanks me for a wonderful meal each time I cook one, and frankly he seems to be equally grateful for a nice salad as a full-blown dinner. This warms my heart.

Whether you’re talking about love of the Divine, love of nature, love of humanity, or love of family and friends, seeking to return each day into that space within where love is the only truth will illumine that relationship. And a grateful heart exercised daily will bring greater levels of love into each moment.